chance please!

<p>1820 sat
2 sat2s a little over 700
multiple state record holder/multiple high school all american--so i am heavily recruited
student council/many clubs/team captain/team award winner
have some relatives that attended
taking ap calc-school chinese award winner
also looking at harvard penn brown duke northwestern maryland and ohio st</p>

<p>do you think i have a chance at all? all help appreciated</p>

<p>You left out the most important part: your GPA. Your SAT is incredibly low, but I imagine if you are being heavily recruited you could get in.</p>


Are you being recruited by Princeton? Have you signed a letter of intent? If not then no. Your chance is almost 0.</p>

<p>im a junior so no</p>

<p>What’s your unweighted GPA and rank? Even for a recruited athlete, your SAT is low.</p>

<p>What sport? And remember that the reason the Ivy athletes generally aren’t exceptional is that their first question when considering recruited athletes is, “Can this guy handle our academics?”</p>