Chance QB Finalist for Princeton, MIT, Tufts, Rice, and UPenn

Black (Eritrean), single refugee mom who passed away recently, father not in life.

  • US domestic (US citizen or permanent resident)
    US Domestic
  • State/Location of residency: (state is important if you apply to any state universities)
  • Type of high school (current college for transfers): Public HS, very competitive, top 50 in country
  • Gender/Race/Ethnicity (optional): Male/Black/Eritrean
  • Other special factors (first generation to college, legacy, athlete, etc.): First Gen
    Intended Major(s)
    CS & Math Dual Major
    GPA, Rank, and Test Scores
  • Unweighted HS GPA: 3.87UW
  • Weighted HS GPA (incl. weighting system): 4.32W
  • College GPA (for transfers): 4.0
  • Class Rank: No Rank
  • ACT/SAT Scores: 33 ACT - 34M, 31S, 30R, 35E

(AP/IB/Dual Enrollment classes, AP/IB scores for high school; also include level of math and foreign language reached and any unusual academic electives; for transfers, describe your college courses and preparation for your intended major(s))
APCSP(9th, 3),
AP Seminar (5, 10th),
AP Stats (3, 10th),
AP World History (5, 10th),
AP Lang (4, 11th),
AP Research (11th, Got a perfect score on the exam, 5),
AP US History (4, 11th),
AP CSA (4, 11th).
Currently taking AP Calc BC (math), AP Comp./US Gov, AP Physics 1, and AP Psych
Taking English 102/409, took Spanish 111
Also taking Discrete Math

  • Perfect Score on AP Research exam [11]
  • American Psychological Association - Best Project on Psychological Science [11]
  • AP Scholar w/ Distinction [10 & 11]
    I won’t lie, they’re bad.
    I am a member of NHS and Key Club (volunteering), and I was in Tech club last year. I am also part of a local scholarship program for low income kids.
    I did write about helping my currently bedridden mother at home & working at the store for her over the summer this summer and last summer. I’m also responsible for my 7 year old cousin throughout the day.
    QB Essays: Spent a lot of time working on them, 9/10
    MIT: Essay is 7-8/10
    Rice: Essays are 8/10
    UPenn: 7.5/10
    Princeton: Did it the day before, so 6/10
    Tufts: No essays (so it’s only my qb essays)
    Cost Constraints / Budget
    Mom makes >15k. I’m a QB finalist, so I won’t be paying at all for the colleges I’m applying to.


  • Tufts (submitted ACT scores)
  • Match
    • Rice (submitted scores)
    • UPenn (submitted scores)
  • Reach
    • MIT (did not submit scores)
    • Princeton (did not submit scores)

I got a rec from my AP Research teacher, who, rumors tell, is supposedly known by Vanderbilt admission officers for writing really good recommendations. She requires a lot of other supplemental work in order to write a rec. My other rec was my AP Seminar teacher, who I’m a student aid for.

Congratulations on your achievements, and condolences on the passing of your mom.

Are these the schools you ranked for QB? Or did you rank 12? All of these schools are reaches, but QB will increase your odds.

Are you 18 now? Or do you have a legal guardian?

@kelsmom This student would now be independent for FA purposes, assuming there’s no dad in the picture, correct? What steps should they take with the FA depts of the schools they are applying to?

Although I hope a QB school works out, it’s not a sure thing. Is anyone helping you with the process? If you don’t match, you will be able to apply to all the QB partner schools that you choose, some may still let u in the ED round as well. Keep us updated.

Thank you for your condolences. I only ranked those 5.

I am 17, turning 18 in August 2022. I am residing with my aunt at the same household.

My brother, a QB finalist who matched with Vanderbilt is helping me.

I am sorry for your loss. You won’t be automatically independent for financial aid purposes, assuming your father is alive. However, if your aunt has court ordered legal guardianship, you will be able to file the FAFSA as independent ( check box 54 … see the explanation for #54 on page 10 of this document: If she doesn’t have legal guardianship, let me know - I can explain what to do next.


Thank you for the condolences.

She does not have legal guardianship over me yet, however we are planning to get the court work done sometime in this next week or two. Will I have to update my FASFA with her info?

I have no idea who my father is or of his location. I have no contact with him.

No, you won’t use any of her information. Did you already file your FAFSA with your mom’s information? If so, once your aunt is granted legal guardianship, go back to your FAFSA & update the dependency status to reflect that you are in legal guardianship (don’t forget to hit the submit button). It will automatically ignore your mom’s information.

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Alright, that sounds good. Should I update the CSS profile as well or email any of my colleges?

You can’t update the CSS Profile, so yes … contact each school, and ask to speak to a financial aid officer regarding a dependency status issue due to your mother’s recent passing. If you let them know exactly what’s going on, they’ll let you know what they need & will take care of what they can. Make sure to contact each school.


I’m sorry for your loss. You have amazing accomplishments. I would say your EC’s while you may think it’s not much, you did more than anyone should have to at your age. Taking care of your family is more important than any club or activity and I’m sure schools will realize this. I can’t predict your exact chances for each school but I know you will end up at a great school and you will go so far in life. Wishing you all the best of luck!!!

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Your ACT scores (33) is actually pretty amazing considering what you’ve gone through. I would submit them to all of your choices. If you have trouble affording, then call the admissions office and tell them.

I’m not that familiar with how QB works. But I believe you have to submit a rank order? If so what was the order of your list?

Your story is so compelling, I’m sure you’ll find some good offers.

Rice admits a large number of Questbridge matches (over 50 the last few years) and is proactive about increasing its diversity. Any of these schools would be lucky to have you.

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I’m going to guess you will get into one of these through the match. I’m also going to guess it won’t be MIT.

And yes, while you need to be mindful of your FA app, my understanding is that the QB screening is sufficiently thorough that you should not worry about some sort of “,gotcha.”.

Congratulations on your accomplishments and resilience. No matter how it turns out, it looks like you have what it takes to make your own luck!

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