Chance This International Transfer!!!

<p>Hey guys! I'm an international freshman at a SUNY school. I am getting bored here since I am far from intellectually challenged here. I'm looking for some top schools which are great at bio-related fields and also economics or business, since I will probably major in bio and minor in some business things. I need FINANCIAL AID. I am planing to transfer in fall 2009. Here is my credentials, and please chance this transfer and suggest some prospective schools which give pretty generous to international transfer students. </p>

<p>Graduated from the best secondary school in China. Best Rank: Top 5 out of 500. Approximate High school GPA: 94/100. </p>

<p>Senior High School Entrance Exam:
Lost only 1 point in Math, Physics and Chemistry altogether 2004
(Top 50 among 166,417 examinees in Beijing)</p>

<p>Discipline Contests
2nd Prize in National High School Students Biology Contest 2006
(Top 40 among 278,358 students in Beijing)</p>

<p>1st Prize in Beijing Senior High School Students Applied Math Contest 2005
(Top 20 among 274,803 students in Beijing)</p>

<p>Superior Prize in Hope Cup Math Contest 2005</p>

<p>3rd Prize in Beijing Senior High School Students Chemistry Contest 2005</p>

<p>3rd Prize in Beijing Senior High School Students Physics Contest 2005 </p>

<p>Tests: 623 for TOEFL pbt, Aug 2006</p>

<pre><code> 1950 for SAT Reasoning, Nov 2006

   800s for SAT Subject: Math Physics Chemistry, Dec 2006

    I plan to re-take SAT Reasoning Test next spring. Predicted score: Critical Reading: 700+; Math: 800; Writing: 750+.

    I plan to take GRE General test next spring. Predicted score: Verbal: 700+; Quantitative: 800. 


<p>LEADERSHIP: Class President, Sept 2004-July 2007
Set up competition within groups, make rules, and initiate supervising system, democratic voting and feed-back questionnaire. </p>

<pre><code> Arrange intramural friendly soccer matches.

      Initiate various volunteer activities at National Library of China, National     
      Museum of Science & Tech, Beijing Planetarium, Songtang Deathwatch Hospital and Wangfujing Book Store. 

      Director of class presentations, the most important class activities in our school. 

      Captain of soccer varsity.


<p>ON PROGRESS: 1. Initiating my own CALLIGRAPHY CLUB. I will act as the FOUNDER<br>
and PRESIDENT of it. Club constitution already finished. </p>

<pre><code> Activities which will be held by the club:

<p>General meetings (once or twice per month); Community Service; Fund Raising; Multicultural Forum; Spring Festival Scrolls Program: Decorate our campus with traditional Chinese Spring Festival Scrolls; Setting up a club foundation to help local poor children. </p>

<pre><code> 2. Has been invited to become a column writer for our schoolÂ’s newspaper: I will write once or twice per month. Topics include the history of Chinese Calligraphy; the features of Chinese culture, etc.

       3. My biology professor will recommend me to the researching labs 
       on biological science if I maintain great performance. Until now, I am having full points in the Evolutionary Biology course. I will get into lab to volunteer or earn credits on a research position at freshman level next semester, hopefully.

       4. A member of University Leadership Certificate Program. I already finished the educational period, attending 4 workshops 
       on leadership skills.  

       5. Volunteer Tutor: tutoring math and biology in our residence hall. 

       6. Course Taking: Evolutionary Biology; Introduction to Macroeconomics; World Civilization I; Writing 102; College Calculus I. 19 credits. Reached the maximum limit. PREDICTED GPA: 4.0/4.0.  


<p>My dream schools are Harvard and MIT. Could you guys give me some further suggestion on some matches and safties?</p>

<p>Thanks so much!!!!!!</p>

<p>Your conditions are perfect. I THINK Top 15 are match. Wash U is a perfect match. The biology program there is awesome.
If you would like to transfer to Harvard/MIT, the recommendations are very very crucial. BTW, I suggest you may transfer one year earlier, Fall 2008. If you think you are far from intellectually challenged there, why wait a year?</p>

<p>Thanks!! I also hope to transfer earlier. However, I don't think that I will have enough time to do my research, and run my club. The four extremely important things I have to do is: 1) to re-take SAT 2) Research 3) Club 4) to get great recommendation. I don't really think that one year would be enough to get a awesome recommendation, since my professor might probably know more about me in a longer time. Yet I have pretty nice connections with all my professors at this moment. They all know who I am, and I'd love to go to their office hours to ask questions about the materials given, or even talk sth beyond that. Do you think I should get recommendations from alumni of Harvard/ MIT? Does that help a lot!!! I appreciate your help, and I've already read your email. I will add you to my MSN buddy list later. Wish u best luck!!!</p>

<p>I would say it is a great thing if you can get recs from alumni of Harvard/MIT. It does help a lot. </p>

<p>The easiest things to draw the prof's attention are: 1. score 100% (or top 1 on the class) on every quizs, midterms 2. participate every discussion on every class(if it's only 20 people there) 3. Visit him during his office hours often. This is what I used.</p>

<p>BTW, if you decided to transfer in 2009, then make sure you have close to, but not more than 60 credits by the end of spring.Most schools require you to finish at LEAST 60 credits in their school(e.g. Cornell), but it could be exceptions like UIUC which prefer upper level transfer.</p>

<p>Any other suggestions? Thanks!!!</p>

<p>Basically, you got some great replies on here. I think you'll be fine, I mean, I can't say you'll get in for sure, but everything looks pretty good. Good luck!</p>

<p>hey recs from MIT/harvard alumni - do you mean prof recs by profs who are from these schools? i have a cousin researching for PhD at MIT. will a rec from him help for both harv and MIT?</p>

<p>Bump... What are you guys' opinions: transfer after ONE year or TWO?</p>