Chance this non-stellar student

<p>SAT: 2100 (going to retake)
SAT Math Level 1: 750 SAT Physics: 700
AP: None so far
APs Next Year: AP Psychology (4-5) AP Literature (4-5) AP Language (4-5)
GPA:3.38 Freshmen 3.46 Sophomore 3.90 Junior (Senior year should be 3.90+)</p>

<p>Rank: Probably in the top 12 out of 65</p>

<p>Junior Schedule:
Modern World History
French III
Greek I
Latin II
Honors British Literature</p>

<p>Senior Schedule:
AP Psychology
AP English (AP Literature)
French IV Honors
Calculus Honors
Latin III
(Self study AP Course, undecided course though)</p>

Chess Club (Secretary 10th Grade)
Improvisation Club
National Honor Society
French Congres
JV Basketball
Golf Team
Film Machinima
Web Design Club
Objectivist Society
Science Fair
Summer study in C++ Programming
Computer Building summer project</p>

Nation Latin Exam: Magna Cum Laude
Community Service Award (170+ hours)</p>

<p>Recommendation Letters: My Academic Dean is going to write one hell of a recommendation. He is one of my best friends at my school. My Geometry and Precalculus teacher will write my Math Recommendation. I have had an A every quarter in his classes.</p>

<p>I am a white male.</p>

<p>Do I even have a chance at MIT, CMU, or any other good Math/Science/Tech Schools? My rocky Freshmen and Sophomore years really screwed up my GPA.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone!</p>

<p>I think if you got lucky enough to find a research position and discovered something really cool you’d have a chance at MIT/Caltech- you just need something to set you apart. </p>

<p>right now you’re just upper average. I’d say definitely apply to CMU though.</p>

<p>That’s roughly a 3.6 UW overall GPA? With that GPA and assuming a 1400 Math + CR SAT, you’re a slight reach / high match for Georgia Tech (Freshman Index of 3200 and average admit is 3225).</p>

<p>Hey you’re not too bad!
If your GPA is because of a rocky start and you have a legitimate reason, see if you can have your academic dean address it.
Go for CMU and heck, reach for the moon with MIT. My friend got rejected from MIT last year but he’s loving it at Georgia tech, just so you know.</p>

<p>MIT is a nono I think.
CMU is a possibility if you do really well your first semester senior year, however, I think its still a bit of a reach.
Yeah, as others said, GT is a good school, definitely look into that.
I think another good school to look into is the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign. I think its possible for you to get in there.
Chance me back? Thanks.</p>

<p>bump, thanks for the suggestions</p>

<p>bumpity bump bump bump bump bump bump</p>