<p>I applied to Fordham RD at Lincoln center, and I'm unsure of what my chances are.
My GPA is abysmal, around a 2.0 or so. I admit that I was a lazy, unmotivated student throughout high school, and regret that deeply. However, I have perfect SATs. I hope this can be my one redeeming point. As for other factors in my application:</p>
<p>My essay is generally well written. I wouldn't go so far as to say excellent, but it's definitely above average.</p>
<p>I have a moderately sized list of extracirriculars. Nothing life changing, but a few sports and musical instruments. Some volunteer hours.</p>
<p>I sent in two recommendations, both from teachers that are known to write excellent recommendations.</p>
<p>People with 2.1's and 2.2's have gotten in from my school. I do not know the specifics though (ECs, Campus, Legacy...)</p>
<p>What would you say my chances of getting in are?</p>
<p>Clearly your GPA is problematic as it is the best predictor of future success. And with an application that is otherwise average to above average, you don’t leave the adcoms much to work with. Fordham is one of the top 100 universities (67/100 I think) in the country, the course work will be rigorous and competition for the limited number of admissions is challenging.</p>
<p>Now when you say you have perfect SATs, are we to understand that to be 2400/2400? If so, that may leave the door open a bit. </p>
<p>I’d have a plan B ready to go that includes a community college or state university, knock out a couple of great semesters, then apply as a transfer.</p>
<p>The funny thing is if in fact you do have a perfect score you really still might have a shot. No doubt your abysmal GPA may make adcom’s question your ability to handle the courseload. They won’t doubt that you could not understand the work, but merely that you may not have the ability to commit to work. Hey, stranger things have happened.</p>
<p>I dunno. A perfect SAT score, taking the OP’s comment at face value (but scratching my head), coupled with a very low gpa, only exacerbates the problem. It raises more questions than it solves. Its much more common to see a good gpa and a low SAT, because some kids simply dont do standardized testing very well.</p>
<p>Sometimes a low gpa can be the result of a particular circumstance (death in family, losing a home, other personal issues). But just “being lazy?” And then getting a perfect SAT score? Something wrong with this picture. Sorry.</p>
<p>Not to resurrect this dead post… but a perfect SAT and a 2.0 GPA? Thats a very rare combo. I’m sure you have a chance but SAT means little in terms of acceptance. I doubt adcom officers would accept based purple on an SAT score.</p>
<p>Now if you have some decent EC’s… then we’re talking</p>