<p>Looking back, maybe I could have done better, but here it goes.</p>
<p>Hispanic (Dominican) Male
Pretty good public school in Miami, one of the better ones in my area
Class rank: Around 10%
3.25 UW GPA, 3.90 W GPA
SAT CR: 730
SAT M: 660
SAT W: 670</p>
<p>Freshman Year: Honors Algebra 2, Honors English I, Honors Biology, Honors World History, Spanish, Some BS elective my school makes all freshman take
Sophomore Year: Honors Geometry, Honors English II, Honors Chemistry, AP European History, Spanish for Spanish Speakers 2, P.E.
Junior Year: Pre-Calculus, Honors English III, Honors Physics, APUSH, AP Psychology, AP Spanish
Senior Year: AP Calculus, AP English Lit., AP Physics, AP Gov./Macro, AP Spanish Lit., something for my art credit</p>
<p>Other than those, I'll try to self-study a few APs and I'm thinking about taking something online. Good scores on AP test.</p>
<p>I didn't get into anything my first two years, but these last two year I plan to get involved in a few, most notably the Social Studies Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society and Key Club. I also worked at a Check Cashing business.</p>
<p>Decent essays and teacher recs. One particularly good essay about being born in NY, growing up in the Dominican Rep. and doing high school in Miami and a lot to do with culture... it's pretty hard to explain, but I am very proud of it.</p>
<p>I am planning to go into some Social Study, most probably Economics, but maybe Criminology.</p>
<p>Of course, here is the list of schools:
Boston University
Carnegie Mellon
Columbia U
George Washington U
New York U
Syracuse U
U of Florida
U of Chicago</p>
<p>U of Chicago and Columbia are kind of pipe-dreams, but I am going to take the advice a Columbia admissions officer once gave me and am not going to take myself out of the running.</p>
<p>I do have safeties, don't think I think so highly of myself, but those I am quite sure I will be in so I won't bother.</p>
<p>E: Wow, look at that title. Maybe I should start proofreading more often.</p>