Chance who maybe didn't do as good as he could, but still has somethings going for hi

<p>Looking back, maybe I could have done better, but here it goes.</p>

<p>Hispanic (Dominican) Male
Pretty good public school in Miami, one of the better ones in my area
Class rank: Around 10%
3.25 UW GPA, 3.90 W GPA
SAT CR: 730
SAT M: 660
SAT W: 670</p>

<p>Freshman Year: Honors Algebra 2, Honors English I, Honors Biology, Honors World History, Spanish, Some BS elective my school makes all freshman take
Sophomore Year: Honors Geometry, Honors English II, Honors Chemistry, AP European History, Spanish for Spanish Speakers 2, P.E.
Junior Year: Pre-Calculus, Honors English III, Honors Physics, APUSH, AP Psychology, AP Spanish
Senior Year: AP Calculus, AP English Lit., AP Physics, AP Gov./Macro, AP Spanish Lit., something for my art credit</p>

<p>Other than those, I'll try to self-study a few APs and I'm thinking about taking something online. Good scores on AP test.</p>

<p>I didn't get into anything my first two years, but these last two year I plan to get involved in a few, most notably the Social Studies Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society and Key Club. I also worked at a Check Cashing business.</p>

<p>Decent essays and teacher recs. One particularly good essay about being born in NY, growing up in the Dominican Rep. and doing high school in Miami and a lot to do with culture... it's pretty hard to explain, but I am very proud of it.</p>

<p>I am planning to go into some Social Study, most probably Economics, but maybe Criminology.</p>

<p>Of course, here is the list of schools:
Boston University
Carnegie Mellon
Columbia U
George Washington U
New York U
Syracuse U
U of Florida
U of Chicago</p>

<p>U of Chicago and Columbia are kind of pipe-dreams, but I am going to take the advice a Columbia admissions officer once gave me and am not going to take myself out of the running.</p>

<p>I do have safeties, don't think I think so highly of myself, but those I am quite sure I will be in so I won't bother.</p>

<p>E: Wow, look at that title. Maybe I should start proofreading more often.</p>

<p>I think it would be rude not to say ‘Hi’ back.</p>

<p>But jokes aside, your seemingly weak GPA is negated by your relatively good rank, and your URM status will definitely be important to the adcoms. It looks like the rigor of your schedule has been high, but your ECs and test scores are not going to cut it for your reaches.</p>

<p>Like you said, Columbia and Chicago are going to be tough, but you should find the rest of the schools on your list as matches.</p>

<p>Do you need aid? The majority of the non reach school here are not schools that meet need. With your URM status, you could find schools that meet need if this is a factor.</p>

<p>Thanks for the comments, and yeah, I’ll be needing aid.</p>