
<p>For Computer Science program. Out of state.</p>


<p>Freshman GPA: 3.52
Sophomore GPA: 3.52
Junior GPA: 3.75 W, 3.7 UW
Overall GPA: About 3.6</p>

<p>SAT Critical Reading: 610
SAT Math: 680
SAT Writing: 680
Total: 1970</p>

<p>ACT: 27 (Not sending)</p>

<p>My School does not rank.</p>

<p>AP Courses:
Biology (This year)
Computer Science A (Next Year)
Economics (Next Year)</p>

<p>3 letters of recommendation (math teacher, club advisor, guidance counselor)</p>


<p>President of Support our Soldiers Club
-Interviewed WW2 Veteran, contributed to National Archive</p>

<p>100 hours of Red Cross Volunteer work
-Office management, computer database organization, phone duty, etc.</p>

<p>4 Years of Varsity Swimming</p>

<p>Member of School Atmosphere Committee
-Helped create a video to send to New England Board of Accreditation to display information about our school
-Spread word about school ideals and beliefs in various ways</p>


<p>I am of Hispanic descent.</p>

<p>I will not be applying for financial aid.</p>

<p>You get admitted to UW-Madison as a whole- it doesn’t matter what your intended major is. Nor does your financial staus. Being Hispanic is helpful, as are improving grades. Your stats- test scores/junior year gpa- may or may not get you in. Go ahead and apply, but no sure thing.</p>

<p>String threadBump = new String(“Bump.”);</p>


<p>Chances look good, but nothing can be said for sure. Definitely a solid chance, though! :slight_smile: Could be 50/50 though if admissions continue to go up and selectivity increases.</p>
