
<p>Chance me, please?</p>

<p>SAT I- CR: 720, W: 650, M: 490 (First take)</p>

<p>-Attended public school for 9th and 10th, private school for 11th and 12th
-My grades have suffered as a result of my struggle with depression but I'm overcoming it.
-Immigrant father, divorced parents, low-income mother</p>

Honors Ancient History: B+
Honors English 9: B
Spanish 2: A
Algebra 1: A-
Fashion Design: B</p>

Honors Civics/Honors Modern World History: B+/B
Honors English 10: A-
Honors Geometry: C-
Honors Spanish 3: B
Honors Biology: B+</p>

Honors English: C+
U.S History: C-
Spanish 2: B
Algebra 2: C-
Theater: A
Concert Choir: A
Chemistry: C</p>

<p>12th: [so far]
Spanish 3: A-
Pre-Calculus: B+
Advanced Theater: A
Art History/International Relations: B+/___
Marine Biology: A-
Nature Writing/Poetry and Playwriting: B/__</p>

<p>Volunteer as an English tutor to mostly Spanish-speaking immigrants (12th)
Co-Leader, Isadora Duncan-style dance group at school (11th, 12th)
Founder of feminist group and zine, blogger for state's legal fund for women (12th)
Singer in two bands (12th)
Lead in numerous school drama productions (11th, 12th)
Won a school-wide Shakespeare monologue contest & competed in regional contest (11th) [will compete again this year]
Honorable mention in a national poetry contest (11th)
Worked with autistic children for one school year (10th)
Unpaid intern, television production company (9th)
Unpaid intern, city's department of waste/recycling (10th)
Founder and President of environmental club (9th)</p>

<p>id say concentrate on improving your math sat score.</p>

<p>I just received my most recent SAT scores. My math score is now a 530 and my writing score is a 680.</p>

<p>You can give it a shot, but with 4 Cs in core subjects during your junior year, I’m afraid it’s a very long reach. About 70% of enrolled students were in the top 10% of their HS graduating classes. </p>

<p>Consider some of the schools listed here:
[Colleges</a> That Change Lives | Changing Lives, One Student at a Time](<a href=“]Colleges”></p>

<p>These are all LACs (like CC) but with one or two exceptions (Reed, maybe Whitman) are less selective than CC. One of them, Cornell College, operates on the Block Plan.</p>

<p>I agree it’s a long shot, but bumping your math SAT into the 500s can only help. Good luck!</p>