Chancellor Scholarship Notification

I got my letter saying I got the Dean’s scholarship and that I am invited to the Chancellor’s Scholarship weekend. I’m really excited! Has anybody else gotten it? Also, 20k a year is pretty low when tuition costs 60k per year right? It really makes me nervous because if I don’t get the Chancellor’s scholarship I most likely won’t be able to afford TCU.

My daughter also got the invite and if she doesn’t get Chancellor’s, then TCU is out. We won’t be able to afford it with another one already in college and with such great in-state offers already on the table. But, it’s an honor to be invited! Congratulations.

May I ask what your (or your daughter’s) extracurriculars and academics looked like? (as much or as little as you’d like) I’ve really got my eye on the Chancellor’s scholarship and I want to get a feel for what I should expect!

Based on the timing/date of S’s acceptance and information from the TCU website, several of you should be hearing about scholarships sometime next week. Good luck to all.

Thank you for letting us know! I’ve been waiting and I’m dying to hear!!!

The website says they are sent about three weeks after acceptance letters. Based on the math, it’s MY estimate. Hope to not disappoint.

My DD was also invited to compete for this scholarship, and granted a $20K Deans award. We saw somewhere that some kids that didn’t win the Chancellors, had their current award increased…anyone know if that is true? Also, any thoughts on how many will be invited and how many get it? Trying to decide if it is worth the investment to pay to fly there.

From what I’ve read online, about 150 will be invited and about 70 of them will get the scholarship, so about half

@bsmom123 yes, the number varies, ( @preposterone123 sounds right) and I know they’re trying to increase the program, according to TCU magazine. I think the number was around 60 that received it for the class of '18–my brother’s ‘little’ in his frat is one of the recipients.

On another post, I forget which one, I read about one student who went down to interview and did not get the Chancellor’s, but did get her scholarship increased to $30k, so you can walk away with more money, and not necessarily the Chancellor’s.

Hope this helps!

After registering for the interview weekend, did any of you receive any additional information besides the email confirmation? All of the information given so far seems pretty vague.

Just wondering if anyone has gotten a Chancellor’s invite lately. S was accepted EA a little less than 3 weeks ago but since then, nada. No letter, no invite. Not to sound arrogant, but he seems to be a good candidate, based on TCU averages on website.

35C ACT (36M + 35s in rest), 4.7 (top 1% of 700pp class), APs & IB diploma candidate, NM commended, 2-yr. Varsity captain & MVP, 3-year state qualifier, State Rep/VP DECA, Teen Court foreman, great community service, too much to list.

SMU has already offered three scholarships. What do you think is up?

ShouldBeWorking…did he get any scholarship notification? I only have heard of the those getting Deans plus chancellors invite notification. All the other kids we know haven’t received any scholarship notifications yet.

bsmom123 Nothing as of yesterday. Just a generic acceptance letter. I have to say, given the love from his other EA schools (attention and early scholarship money) TCU is kind of falling behind in the race. This acceptance game is a two-way street with high achieving students.

I also haven’t heard anything and I got my letter about 3 weeks ago, as well. My family is expecting me to get at least the Dean’s scholarship given my grades, ACT score and extra curriculars/leadership, plus we’re able to see how I match up with my older bother, who has the Faculty Scholarship.

SMU, Minnesota and High Point have been more on top of it as well, which is frustrating.

I think I’m gonna email my admissions counselor just to make sure something is on its way and/or that nothing went wrong.

Hi y’all!

I emailed my admissions counselor and he got back immediately! He let me know that due to the increase of applications and the quality of those applications they are having to reformat how they evaluate for scholarships.

They’ve started the process but notifications may not be happening til late January, early February. Obviously they’ll have to let Chancellor’s Scholarship qualifiers know earlier for arrangements.

Hope this helps!

I received an admission notification on December 14 from TCU. I am glad to hear scholarship notifications are running late. I emailed my admissions counselor to see if I am still being considered.

I recieved my Ea acceptance decision on dec 17. I was wondering when I would receive schollarship info.?I figured 31 act was low for chancellors but I thought I would have some knowledge of schollarships by 3 weeks later

@jackiemoon2 your ACT is pretty low for Chancellor’s, its 33 average, mine was a 34, but my SAT score was below chancellor average so the ACT was just making up for it. Most likely I received mine pretty quickly (jan 1st) because I lve in the DFW area. But a good way to know is by looking at my tcu under “events” and for me it shows “Chancellor’s Scholars Weekend” that links to the sign up (which I already did), and got the link before the letter. If there is no link then most likely you didn’t get invited.

I was accepted the 14th of December, but I have not received anything regarding scholarships or anything. It has been almost a month now.

@ftrev041 I think there are a lot of folks in your same boat, especially OOS. Just sit tight.

I imagine they are just a bit behind their usual progress; it seems a lot of colleges are receiving more and more applications every year (probably due to the ease of applying to multiple schools through Common App.) I believe Georgia Tech saw a 25% increase in applications over last year.

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