Chancellor Scholarship odds

Hey everyone, I’m really interested in the chancellor scholarship at TCU and was interested if previous scholars could honestly give me my odds based on my stats. Keep in mind that I’m a current Junior at a large public school. I feel like TCU is the perfect fit for me, but I would only go if I was able to attain the Chancellor scholarship. Any tips would be greatly appreciated as well. Thank you!

Current ACT: 34
Class Rank: 7/1100
GPA: 5.09 weighted 4.0 unweighted
Varsity Football (all four years of high school)
Founder and President of club at my school which engages youth around the community through games
American Legion Texas Boys State (prestigious statewide student government in Austin dedicated to leadership. One of two boys at my school who attained scholarship for it)
Attended my School District’s Student Leadership Academy
Work Part Time at Fitness Center at Local Country Club
Worked for a summer as a Student aid Network Technician for my school district
National Merit Commended Scholar
National Honor Society
Rotary Interact
Project Purple
Mu Alpha Theta
Science National Honor Society
Health Occupation Students of America
Black Belt in Taekwondo
Participate in the Food Bank at the local Catholic Church
Nominated for Rotary Student of the Year and Rotary Youth Leadership Award, but did not receive.
AP Scholar Award
Student Leader for Fellowship of Christian Athletes during my Freshmen Year

AP/DC classes include:
Human Geography (5)
Physics (5/19)
Environmental Sci (2020)
English III DC (5/19)
World History (5)
Statistics (5/19)
Government (2020)
US History DC (5/19)
Art History (5)
Biology (5/19)
Economics (2020)
English IV DC (2020)
Calculus (2020)
Psychology (2020)

Your stats are pretty stellar! Apply early and be yourself in your essays and interviews. :slight_smile:

Thank you very much! Did you happen to get the scholarship?

Where do you want to go? TCU or Baylor? Because you have a near identical post posted about Baylor too. I’m guessing you will just need to apply to both.

In the past, if you are a contender for the chancellor scholarship, you would be invited to the weekend for interviews with different people, and from that weekend, they select who they want to give the full ride scholarship to. And I think that weekend was held in Feb or Mar… I can’t remember.