Chancellor's Scholarship Notification

Anyone heard anything regarding the Chancellor’s Scholarship?

for EA1 or EA2?

I don’t know if it matters how you applied the interview weekend was the beginning of this month

My daughter has not heard yet. I assume it will be either snail mail or a phone call. They also said it would be by the end of the month which is Saturday. We are on pins and needles.

It should be within the next couple of days. At least that’s what they told us at the Chancellor’s Weekend.

I got my letter today I got the scholarship!!! :smiley:

@whynotletitfly‌ - Snail mail? If so, where do you live?

@whynotletitfly‌ - Forget it… I see your other posts and you are in the DFW Area. :slight_smile: CONGRATULATIONS by the way.

Thank you! @phoenixmomof2

@whynotletitfly‌ was it in the mail or shipped? I live far away…

did you get an email or anything as well or did your account change at all under financial aid?

@hcasey315 Mine was FedEx Priority Overnight, but I wouldn’t be concerned if you haven’t gotten anything because DFW has been hit with insane snow today!

If it was overnight shipped it probably has to get wherever its going today I assume…

I got my acceptance via FedEx this morning around 10:30. I live in California. Does anyone know if we’re going to get a follow up email?

Can those who got it share your stats please?

No Chancellor’s Scholarship here, but portal updated to Provost Scholarship ($30K).

That’s a nice consolation prize. :slight_smile: 2180, 3.87UW

@momof5tx 34 ACT, SAT Subjects Math II (800), US History (760), UW GPA 4.1

can anyone inform as to when you were first notified that you would attend the interview weekend for Chancellor’s Scholarship?