
<p>Did anyone else get invited/interview? I will be studying abroad over the weekend so I did the phone interview, and it went SO WELL. The entire team seams so passionate about TCU. But I am just curious as to who else is in the running for Chancellor's.
btw, my stats are 33ACT, 3.95 u/w gpa, lots of community service and AP classes, ASB 4 years, etc.</p>

<p>My friend’s daughter is going to the Chancellor’s weekend. She is really really bright (National Merit), a 35 on the ACT and probably almost all A’s. I don’t know much about her extra-curriculars though but I do know she played a sport. She is incredibly smart, though.</p>

<p>my daughter will be attending the interviews this week :D</p>

<p>We got an email saying that my decision letter for the Chancellor’s scholarship will arrive tomorrow morning. It was Fed-exed overnight. Anyone else?</p>

<p>I also did. It said the package was 1lb, which makes me really excited!!!</p>

<p>Good news at our house! Best of luck to everyone else :-)</p>

<p>i got it as well!</p>

<p>Well we have not heard anything and no e-mail to my daughter as of yet. :frowning: Waiting is so hard…I think it would be better to just get an e-mail that tells us she did not get it…
Congrats to those of you who have received the good news so far. Either way our Daughter will be part of TCU and is so excited to be a FROG!!! :D</p>

<p>Congratulations to all of the new Chancellor’s Scholars, and I am looking forward to meeting you!</p>

A Current Chancellor’s Scholar</p>

<p>My friend’s child who interviewed for the Chancellor’s Scholarship did get it. I will be surprised, though, if the child ends up going to TCU, as she is waiting to hear from another college, which is her first choice and which will, most likely, offer no scholarship money.</p>

<p>Has anyone received notification about the Chancellor’s Scholarship this year? Our DD enjoyed the interview weekend and today got a nice note from a current Chancellor’s Scholar, but no official word yet. </p>

<p>They should be sent out this week, anxiously waiting for the mail…</p>