<p>your stats are fine. don't worry- you've only taken the sat once and you had a decent score. you're bound to build on it. and your ecs are NOT just "okay."</p>
<p>Awh thanks guys! Well, to be honest I'm just a naturally horrible test taker, I've been taking practice tests and the scores are about +-50 from the first score.</p>
<p>I just reread my last post and it's kind of a downer...
Let me reitterate- you've got perfectly good scores, but you may still want to boost them.</p>
<p>I'd still take the act just to see how you do (and since time will be a factor now, have it automatically sent to colleges). Worst comes to worst, it's equivalent to a lesser sat score; however, colleges will only look at your higher sat. You've got nothing to lose except the $40 it takes to take the act, but a lot to gain if it gives you a boost in admissions.</p>
<p>grade inflation?</p>
<p>Hmm did you know that Siemens is only open to US citizens or permanent residents? Last year they asked for Social Security number but this year they didn't.</p>
<p>maybe you should try the ACT... but anyways, i think you're one of those people who have enough of everything else to more-than compensate for their standardized test scores! :)</p>
<p>Oops sorry. I did not know that a Greencard and Permanent Resident was the same thing. I just got my Greencard, so bad on my part.</p>
<p>My school is leaning a bit towards grade inflation, but it calculates our GPAs differently. Using Ivy league calculations it's around 4.65.</p>
<p>Last thing though, I am planning to be a science major; will taking AB calculus as a senior hurt very badly?</p>
<p>In that case, you won't be viewed as an international applicant so it should boost your chances by quite a lot.</p>
<p>this has to be on silly thread. and just not worth the ego boosting the OP is looking for...</p>
<p>these threads drive me nuts....</p>
<p>Are you applying for need based aid?</p>
<p>Yes I plan to apply for need-based aid. Is that somehow detrimental to the process? I'm pretty sure all those schools employ need-blind admissions policies... if i'm not mistaken.</p>
<p>I'm not sure whether you qualify as an international applicant. If you do not have permanent residency that may be the case for you; in which case needing aid is usually very detrimental. However, I'm not sure how Canada factors into this, since I've heard that some schools categorize Canadian and Mexican applicants differently from the regular international pool.</p>
<p>This is a brag post, seriously.</p>
<p>Rofl, were you fishing for compliments? By no means is a 2010 despicable, and I'd hate to think what my ECs (and others') are considered if you regard yours as merely "okay."</p>
<p>In what universe is 2010 a bad score? Honestly...<em>eye roll</em></p>
<p>Your SAT is not horrible, for heaven sakes. But if you want a higher score, why not at least try the ACT? Go get an offial ACT practice book and take a sample test. If the unfamiliar section (science) hangs you up, it's very prep-able, and taking a look at the book and developing some stategies for how to approach the questions may solve the problem. Then go try a real ACT. DO NOT have the score sent to your high school, so it won't appear on your transcript if you don't want it to. If you don't like the score, you don't have to send it to colleges. If it is better than your SAT score, on the other hand...</p>
<p>I agree with CCSurfer, your SAT is not by any means horrible or despicable, but considering that you're an Asian applying to a top-tiered schools, HYP would be a reach for you IMO. Your ECs are strong, but keep in mind that there are many talented students who have just as good (and better) ECs than the list you have compiled there with high standardized test scores.</p>
<p>In the Universe of the Ivy, 2010 is a bad score.
I mean 75% of the kids at HYP get above 2050/2080 on the SAT.
However, IF she can apply as a domestic applicant then her strong GPA and ECs can give her a good chance.</p>
<p>Haha, just noticed: Universe of the Ivy, University of the Ivy...</p>
<p>OK, bad joke.</p>
<p>Vanderbilt: Match
Emory: Match
University of Florida: Match
Dartmouth: Match/reach
Harvard: Reach
Yale: Reach
Princeton: Reach
Williams: Match
Wellesley: Match
Middlebury: Match</p>
<p>Your ECs are incredible and you have great stats. The only reason you are a reach for HYP is because they are reaches for everyone no matter who you are. Are you applying EA anywhere? You would also have a good chance for scholarships at the schools who give them. Did your school nominate you as an Emory Scholar candidate? Make sure to apply to the Vanderbilt merit scholarships (December 1st deadline I think).</p>