Chances and Application Question


Unweighted - Weighted GPA (End of Junior Year): 3.52 - 3.80

However, my GPA is going up again this year.

12 AP’s through Senior Year (With 5 This Year)

27 ACT (retaking the 24th and taking the SAT Nov 7th).

Model United Nations (2 years), Key Club (2 years), Film Club (2 years), Basketball (2 years), Tennis (3 years), National Honors Society, Greek through Rosetta Stone, Volunteer Camp Counselor in the summer (3 years).

Worked my way to a higher position in the camp as a paid staff, and worked as a guest relations worker through my local park district all this past summer.

Additional Notes:
Unweighted GPA Took a dive from 3.78 to 3.52 from end of sophomore to end of junior due to some issues that went on in my life on top of a hefty load of 5 AP courses, which I explained more thoroughly in my statement.

Illinois Resident

Father and grandparents attended UW-Madison.

I’ve heard that it is better to apply, not just to Madison, but flagship state schools in general an undecided as they let in more kids who do. I do have interest in business and political science, which Madison is known for having respected programs for those fields, so I was curious what would be better to put down on my app before I send it.


For UW-Madison, it does not matter at all what you put down as your intended major.

Thanks, could you also give me a quick chance?

The 27 ACT is the 25th percentile of admitted students (31 ACT is the 75th percentile). Combined with the 3.5 and non-Wisconsin resident, I’d say prepare yourself for a postponed decision by January 31.

Retake the ACT.