Chances as a reach school for a transfer applicant?

<p>Hi guys...I have already applied to Northeastern as a transfer applicant for next fall, and although Boston University is actually my first choice, I just want to have some idea of what my chances are for getting into Northeastern.</p>

<p>Unweighted GPA: 3.51
Weighted GPA: 3.81
SAT: 1910
ACT: 26
I've taken 6 APs and 7 honors classes</p>

<p>3 years varsity lacrosse (MVP 1 year)
3 years National Honor Society
3 years Interact Club
3 years Invisible Children
1 year junior advisory board for state bank
1 year student government
3 years drug awareness program</p>

<p>Academic All-American Lacrosse Player</p>

<p>Any input is appreciated...thank you!!</p>

<p>im also a transfer… and your stats look good. have you applied yet and done all the college official reports?</p>

<p>thanks that helps a lot…or at least gives me some sort of hope! yeah i have turned in everything but my application status says that they still haven’t received my college official report which i turned in like two weeks ago so that’s kind of concerning me…does that usually take awhile?</p>

<p>the only things that i haven’t turned in are the college official/ secondary school report so i don’t know. but on the website it says it may take a few days to post something they have received from you, so they may have received it, but its just not posted yet. call the school if you don’t hear in a few days.</p>

<p>yeah it’s making me kind of nervous though because i know they start releasing their first admissions decisions february 1 for transfers…so i want everything to be turned in! but you’re right they might have it it just might not be up yet</p>

<p>You’ll be fine! I go to NU now (I’m transferring out next year, but it’s a great school - PM me if you have any questions) and honestly, I feel like admissions here are not all that rigorous . . . of course I’m not qualified to say but your stats sound on-par to me.</p>

<p>If you don’t mind me asking (I’m just curious), why are you transferring out?</p>

<p>Are you asking me, neuchimie? Sorry, I can’t tell :)</p>

<p>Oh, I just realized - I didn’t mean I can’t tell you why! I meant I couldn’t tell if you were asking me or not.
I’ll just say why I’m transferring, because it’s probably something anyone applying to NU would want to know. Please don’t get offended, and don’t take everything I say as absolute fact . . . this is all only my personal opinion.
First off, NU is a great school for a ton of reasons. The campus is pretty, the buildings are nice and new, the business program is awesome and co-op should be great. (If you do come here, try to get into honors for the insane housing - I’m living in a brand-new apartment with a kitchen and living room as a freshman.) The location is nice, although Boston is a bit weird . . . it closes up early and there’s no nightlife for under 21s, so most parties here are apartment/frat parties.
I’m currently a Political Science/Intl Affairs major, and the programs here are weak. Most of my honors classes are taught by TAs, grad students or doctoral candidates, and my classes are very, very easy. (We spent thirty minutes last week in IR class learning about the three levels of analysis: individual, state-level and global, and my American Government teacher taught us about “Schnenck,” pronounced Sha-neck, v.s. U.S., the famous Supreme Court case . . . of course, it’s actually Schenck, pronounced Shank.) I worry that a Northeastern degree would be worthless in my field.
I also had a bad experience with a roommate, which shouldn’t (hopefully) reflect on the school or affect anyone else’s experience, but I would say that I don’t like many characteristics of the student body. Yes, everyone is nice, and we have a lot of good-looking, social people, but overall the students here are VERY homogenous and typically close-minded and uninformed. That sounds really harsh, and please keep in mind that I say that coming from an incredibly liberal town . . . most people would not get that impression. But to me, that’s how it feels. I came here on scholarship as an overqualified student and I constantly feel like I’m too smart for my classes and my friends (which sounds terribly conceited, but it’s how I feel). Everyone I’ve met here wears the same North Face jackets and comes from the same 95% white towns of Northern suburbia, and I find it difficult to engage people in discussions that don’t revolve around Gossip Girl, alcohol, or their stories from high school.
So, I’m looking for a politically active, diverse school with a more interesting nightlife and a more active student body next time around. But if you’re from a traditional, clique-y high school and you were a popular kid who played a sport and partied a lot, and you want a party school where you can get good grades easily . . . NU is probably a good fit.</p>

<p>^ I agree with you. I’m very happy here, and I’ve kind of found a good “niche”. But, I’ve often felt the same way you do, and I’ve heard the same sentiment from friends of mine. 9 out of 10 people here are exactly as you described, and I’ve had to really dig around to find people who I find to be cool and interesting. </p>

<p>That’s really my only complaint about the school though. I’m still glad I wound up here… I’m a science major and I’ve gotten some unbelievable opportunities here, especially through co-op. I also have made a cool group of friends, and I’ve grown to really love Boston. I think there are also a lot of cool things going on around campus, which usually attract more active and interesting people, like Alternative Spring Break, Dialogues, NU Votes, and various other clubs.</p>

<p>Phew - I’m glad no one (yet) has blasted me for dissing NU :slight_smile:
It makes me feel better that you can see where I’m coming from, but I’m also glad that you’ve had a positive and a different experience, Emily! I can definitely see those good aspects of NU that you mentioned, and because my comments were pretty harsh, I do want to reiterate that I still love and respect Northeastern and I will miss it. I think a lot of people are and would be happy here . . . but I’ve found a lot of things I don’t like as well, and I’m ready to leave.</p>

<p>kwolfenden – what schools are you hoping to transfer to?</p>

<p>jagralph - Columbia, Barnard, Georgetown, GWU, American or UNC.
The first five are obviously all in NYC/DC, so they’ve got tons of amazing opportunities for internships, culture, etc. They’re all known for their strong and rigorous IR/Poli Sci programs and they’re very diverse schools with active, involved student bodies. UNC is on the list because Chapel Hill is my hometown, and I’ll always love it . . . career-wise it would be smarter for me to go to another school on my list (if I get in!), but financially and emotionally I love Carolina.</p>

<p>You can’t go wrong – Good luck.</p>

<p>Thanks Jalgraph! :)</p>

<p>no I totally understand! I’m transferring too (obviously) and you just have to find the right school for yourself…everyone that knows I’m transferring at my current school (which is not many people yet) gets really mad if they find out you don’t like it here and takes it personally, which makes things awkward. But thanks for your help and good luck!</p>

<p>How come you guys turned in your app for transfer admission so early? The deadline is not until May 1, 2009. I mean I turned mine in only a few days ago but I didn’t know that they’re going to send out decisions for transfer student by Feb 1.</p>

<p>And Calrizzy, if you don’t mind me asking, what is your college stats?</p>