Chances as a Transfer?

<p>I am at a Texas Community College freshman and I want to transfer to A&M next fall. I will have about 30 hours after this next spring semester and my GPA will be around a 3.75-4.00. The only problem is that I do not have enough hours to be accepted in January-March, so I have to wait until my spring semester is over to fully apply. What will be my chances of getting accepted in May/June with 30 hours and a 3.75-4.00 GPA? I want to major in Sports Management so I will be applying to the College of Education and Human Development. </p>

<p>Same boat here :slight_smile: I was told that they would only consider my app if they still have spots open in the program. With a high GPA, and since you’re not applying for a competitive program, your chances are quite high. Engineering and Business, from what I hard, are the hardest to get into. </p>

I am studying at Lonestar Community college
I had a 3.6 high school GPA
3.76 college GPA(had a C in calculus 1 but re took it now an A)
Cal I, Cal II, Cal III
Physics 1 and II
Chemistry I and II
English I and II
History I and II
Government I and II
I’m Hispanic( if that helps)
I’m wondering if my chances are good at getting into Mechanical Enginnering at Dwight.