Chances at Boston U, BC, and U. Roch

<p>First i have a question: When evaluating your scores what do they look at more...the AP's or your satII scores because I got a 5 on the AP Lang test, 95 in my AP lang class, 97 on the regents test, but i pulled a 530 on the writing. How the hell did that happen, i have no clue, but will they hold that against me? Same thing for APUSH ... 5 on test, 95 in class, 99 on regents, but 690 on sat II</p>

<p>Class rank: 25/318 (top 7%)
SAT: 1290
Weighted GPA: school is odd so that is a 4.0, but most universities re-weight anyway</p>

<p>Junior year: AP history 5, AP lang 5, AP physics 3
Senior Year: AP gov, AP calculus, AP lit, AP biology
Five years of french </p>

Model United Nations (Delegate trainer/ treasurer)
- Best Delegate Yale University (UNICEF)
- Best Delegation Rutgers
-Honorable Mention Chicago University (Disarmament)
-Honorable Mention District MUN</p>

<p>Global Links -Student Advisor
Foreign Lang. Honor society
Senior Honor Society
French Club - Fundraising Coordinator
Future Business Leaders of America</p>

<p>5 years piano
Volunteer at Winthrop Hospital
Part time job</p>

<p>Well it looks as if you would possibly be accepted by BU and U Roch. but I don't know about that one</p>