Chances at Cal Poly for Software Engineering

Hey guys,

I’m a high school senior graduating in 2019, and I’m extremely interested in attending Cal Poly for Software Engineering. I was just wondering if someone with some knowledge could give me an idea of my chances for admission. Thanks!


MCA: 4,729
In state student
Software engineering major

If this MCA might be a little low for the major, I can get up to 4,800 by working some more before the application is due. Just don’t want to do that if I don’t have to. Also if anyone knows, what’s the lowest MCA that still would have a solid chance for Software Engineering? Just in case I calculated it wrong lol.


Check this thread to see how your MCA compares.

You are in the ball park, but this past admissions cycle SLO was unable to offer 10,000 4.0 GPA applicants a place at SLO so it will be a tough admit and much depends upon how you compare to your fellow applicants.

Definitely apply widely and make sure you have several safety schools on your list and work to bump up your MCA score.

Those 81 points might be what makes the difference. Can you do a job that’s major related so you can work only a handful of hours, but get the major related bump?

Yes I can, I only need to work 40 ish more hours to move up in work hours, plus get the 60 for a major related job. I’ll definitely get on it!