Chances at CC Top Colleges

<p>Hello CC Community! I am an uprising senior planning to major in astronomy (or physics with astrophysics track depending on what is offered). Chance me for: Yale, Brown, Johns Hopkins, Washington U in St Louis, Rice, Vanderbilt, Carnegie Mellon, U of Southern California, Southern Methodist U.</p>


- Hispanic Male
- Public HS - sends 1 or 2 to Ivies each year
- Top 3.125% (19/608)
- GPA u/w 3.97
- GPA w 4.76</p>

<p>ACT First Sitting
-Comp - 33
- English, Reading - 34
- Math, Writing - 33 (essay 10)
- Science - 30</p>

-US His - 720
- Math I - 660 (Definitely retaking in October with Math II) </p>

<p>AP Course load:
-Sophomore Year - World History - 5
- Junior Year - US History - 5, English Lang - 5, Music Theory (self study) - 4, Physics B - 3
- Senior Year will take, AP Gov, AP Bio II, AP Econ Mac, AP Econ Mic, AP English Lit, AP Calc BC, and Possibly Self Study Art History.
- All honors classes in-between for all years</p>

<p>Dual Credit Course Load (through local community college):
- US History - A, English Lang - A+, will take Calc BC and English Lit</p>

<p>Letters of Rec:
Counselor - Will be good if not great
Teacher 1 - Will be awesome, 5 on AP and highest grade - English
Teacher 2 - Will be unique, World Geography Honors and Sociology, straight 100</p>


National Hispanic Scholar (201 PSAT), AP Scholar with Distinction, President's Award at School 2 years in a row (3rd next year hopefully), Superior Division Ratings At Music Solo and Ensemble State 2 years in a row, State Farm Texas Composition Finalist, QuestBridge College Prep Finalist, Mayday Poetry Finalist 2 years in a row, Reflections Regional winner in Poetry.</p>

Marching Band - 4 years - Drumline Captain
National Honor Society - 2 years - Treasurer
Spanish National Honor Society - 2 years
Jazz Band and Music Theory II (no AP offered)
Independent Study Mentorship (studying with music professors from Trinity U)
Had My Original Music Performed Live
Work in Summer - Boys school that offers summer camps
Over 90 hours community service per summer</p>

<p>Extenuating Circumstances:
Father passed away when I was 10
Mother makes less than 60 thou/year
High Debt/Hospital Bills</p>

<p>I am still sort of new to CC, but if you chance me, I can do my best to chance back!</p>

<p>You might have better luck in the specific college forums or the chance me forums.</p>

<p>Agree w/capenn, most members on this forum do not respond to chances threads, because they are usually not particularly helpful.</p>

<p>I can give you a couple of general comments. In general, it looks like your gpa and test scores are within the range of selective colleges; and while I don’t know your HS, it looks like your coursework is relatively rigorous.</p>

<p>The 3 in AP Physics for a astronomy, physics, astrophysics major might raise some questions. Why are you retaking Math 1 when you plan to take Math 2? Math 2 is harder, so taking 1 is redundant, nobody is going to care about your lower early score.</p>

<p>I like your combination of science and English/poetry, my D1 had similar interests and I think reflecting that in her applications helped her.</p>

<p>Do you have admissions and financial safeties? I assume you’re trying for the Danforth and Rodriguez at WUSTL, and other merit scholarships at some of the other schools? You should be a competitive candidate at some of them, but merit aid is extremely hard to predict, so you need some solid financial safeties as well. </p>

<p>As far as need based FA, some relief will likely be given for medical bills, but other debt (eg. credit card) is not counted in calculations.</p>