Chances at Comp Sci?

Hey! I am a junior from Minnesota, and really have enjoyed what I’ve read about Purdue so far. I am pursuing a degree in computer science. Here are my stats:

ACT: 32 (Only taken once, going to take again)(30Eng 34Reading 35Science 28Math) - Going to study math from 8th grade/freshman year, I forgot a lot of basic geometry and algebra that encompassed a lot of the test.
GPA: 3.6 UW 3.7ishW (My semester ends next week and my current semester GPA is ~3.7 UW w/ 3 AP classes, so my overall should go up a bit in both.)

AP Classes taken before junior year:
World History

Current AP Classes:
Calc AB
US History

Senior AP Classes:
Calc BC
Computer Science
Human GEO

Other notable classes:
Spanish 5 CE(College course)

I am also a varsity captain of the swim team as a junior, and we made state last year. I have an internship in the IT department of a local government county office lined up for this summer.

ECS upto now(add one year to each for next year):
Varisty Swim(4 years, 1 year as captain)
Student Council(2 Years w/ elected homecoming chair)
Model United Nations(3 years, this year I applied and was chosen as one of the 20 elected officials out of ~800 yearly students)
Varsity Track(1 year)
USA swimming(not sure if this counts - 10 years)
National merit(scored 209, which was last years commended score, hopefully I get it this year)
Lifeguarding(2 summers)

S accepted in Dec. OOS CS major. GPA a 3.9 W but less APs. Stats similar down to USA swim. Have not heard about any merit scholarship at this point. Very competitive so not sure if any will be awarded. Keep your grades up. Colleges want to see upward trends. Consider taking an ACT prep course. They will give the math equations you need plus shortcuts to taking the test. May help for scholarship level. Good luck!

Thanks! I’ll look into a prep course, I definitely have the ability to get a higher math score, I just need to re-learn some stuff. Thanks again