chances at Georgetown SFS 2015? Anyone plz

<p>Hi!! I've been looking into G'town SFS now for the past year as I've molded my career decision
I don't think I have an outstanding non-academic record</p>

<p>I have a 3.9 GPA/ 4.6 or 4.7 HPA
I go to a really competitive Arts High School
My SATs are okay, but my goal next time is 2100! (from 1990)
I worked as an ARTS camp teacher this summer and will be an Intern at the local College's youth Camp!
I don't really know my exact class rank, but it's 20-something out of 330-something
I am in NHS, Spanish Honor Society(running for VP-next year), Math Honor Society, SLC(VP), and I want to start my own club next year, something fundraiser-like and involve NHS. I play tennis outside of school and spend a lot of non-school time baby-sitting my 2 year old sister while my parents work/ and my mom goes back to school (this kinda made doing non-school stuff rather difficult)
My family is from Jamaica, including myself-so yeah Im a black female...dont know if it helps
In the fall I have 5 AP classes, 1 Dual enrollment, and 1 class that counts for college credit.
I plan to intern at the State Attorney's Office next fall
I have studied both Spanish and French in HS, I like both, I'm better at Spanish b/c I know it better, and I have been self studying some Arabic and Russian.
This summer I am going to complete a Religious Study/survey where I am going to emerge myself into 5 major religions for a week and reflect on how others respond to me and whether or not I noticed a difference.
And I do theatre, I've been involved in theatre for 6 years (I was more heavily involved the first 3 years, before my mom got married//hadbaby...I had more flexibility, I'm going to do the piece I won second place for in 8th grade and that I used for my High School audition)</p>

<p>**intended major: International Relations and Arabic</p>

<p>Suggestion #1: Move this to the “What are my Chances?” forum.
Suggestion #2: Break down your list with some bullets and more spacing. It hurt my eyes to read. :p</p>

<p>If you can get around a 2100, Id say youre in.</p>

<p>^Eh, I’d say the individual activities/interests merit more analysis than that…</p>

<p>But from my skimming of this post, OP does appear to have a good shot. I’ll chance in full later on.</p>

<p>^she is black though, that always helps</p>

<p>EDIT: that sounds wrong reading it now but I mean it helps being a URM</p>

<p>^You made me lawl. :)</p>

<p>However, the URM advantage does not necessarily make up (entirely) for weaker portions of the application.</p>

<p>That is true. In all honesty, I didnt even read the OP’s paragraph, I just assumed she did a bunch of stuff that would make her stand out; bullet points would really help.</p>

<p>hahhaha sorry about that…my goal is 2100, myl last practice test had me in 2110 range. I also have new stuff i have to add in for next school year and this year that i forgot…</p>