Chances at GW?

I’m a Junior

GPA: 3.2 I started badly but have really started to improve
ACT: Probably gonna get something from a 29-32
AP: I go to a small private school in NYC where they aren’t really offered.
My big thing is a soccer podcast called Footy For Two, I’ve produced over 80 episodes, have accumulated over 300,000 listens and have interviewed big names in the soccer world.
I’m going to be hosting my on show this summer on Copa90’s (a huge soccer media company) Youtube channel. For anyone who is not familiar with soccer, this is a huge deal!
I’ve interned for my local Councilperson, Helen Rosenthal, and am currently interning for Congressional candidate Max Rose.
Served at my synagogue’s soup kitchen (8-).
Volunteered for Dorot.
Lightswitch Learning published a book about me and achieving my goals with my podcast. It detailed my interesting and unique life and struggles.
I am a phenomenal writer, and in addition to being published on esteemed soccer websites such as Copa90 and World Soccer Talk, I am a good poet and am planning on turning in a manuscript of some of my writing (articles, independent essays, poetry, biographical writing) with my application.
I’ve played soccer since seventh grade.
I’ve tutored dyslexic children in reading.
I am a member of the Jewish Heritage Club at my school.

Essay: Expecting it to be stellar and unique

Letters of Recommendation: My English teacher’s will be phenomenal, my guidance counselor’s will be pretty good, and the president of the Penya FC Barcelona NYC (a local soccer fan club to which I belong), will be great.


White, Jewish New Yorker, won’t need financial aid and attends a private school.

Thanks so much for reading! Please let me know what you think of my chances and any other schools that could be good for me!

Have you looked at college of Charleston? If you show a lot of interest and apply ED, I would say that your chances do go up. Also where your grades will be this semester will also make a difference.

Write your essay in a way that highlights how GWU will allow you to continue to pursue your dreams/passions.

I think you have a great resume! Wherever you go, they will be lucky to have you- you are the whole package. My daughter is likely heading to GW in September, final decision coming. Her EC’s were not as impressive as yours, but her GPA better- so likely a wash, esp if your ACT is 30 or above. So a few thoughts- If GW is your absolute favorite and money is not an issue- apply ED (binding)- as your odds are a little better. My daughter looked at: GW, American, BU and Fordham (jesuit). Her safeties were Loyola Maryland (jesuit), Suffolk U in Boston, and The New School in NYC. She also applied to Stevens, Temple and Drexel at the last minute. If you are interested in city schools- these are good options for you. One thing that I think is key, is to demonstrate interest. Visit campus more than one time, periodically email your admissions reps with updates, etc, sit in on classes and schedule interviews. Good luck!!

Your GPA is definitely on the low side, but a high ACT will help alleviate those concerns. With that said, if you can infuse your application with as much passions as you seem to show in your EC’s, then I think you’ve got a solid chance at GW. I also second what @NJmom8 said about applying ED to improve your chances.

Good luck!