Chances at Howard's bs/md (applying as a junior)

So I plan on becoming a doctor and it is not likely that my career choice will change. At my high school, you can take more classes in the school year than the other high schools in the area. So much so, that as a junior, I would have taken the same amount of classes as a senior in a nearby high school. That’s when I decided it was a great idea to graduate early. I also was looking at some opportunities for combined programs and I saw Howard’s 6-year bs/md. (my dad may get stationed in Virginia soon so I would like to go there anyway)

Anyway, since I am graduating early, I would like to know if I still have a chance before I get ahead of myself (I just finished my freshmen year). I would already have taken all the classes to be eligible for the program by the end of my junior year. Keep in mind some of this stuff is subject to change

I’d like to get some input from a Howard bs md alum or just anyone based on my “plans”:

Test scores:
SAT: not taken (going to take it sophomore and junior year)
PSAT: 1450

GPA: idk yet (right now it’s 4.0/4.16)


AP Human Geo

AP Biology
AP Physics 1
AP Euro

Junior: (probably will end up only taking 4/5)
AP Language Comp
AP Literature
AP Gov
AP Calc A/B
AP Calc B/C
AP Chemistry


(Planning to)HOSA member 3 yrs
HOSA golden member
Collaborated with San Diego Blood Bank and Planned two blood drives at school and collected record-breaking donors of 109 for our school
Captain of Academic Team (Freshmen and prob JV also)
(Planning to)CSF member 3 yrs
Volunteer at food shelters for homeless (100+ hrs over summer)
Publicity chair CSF
(Planning to)National Honor Society
(Planning to)Doctor internship/shadowing at Scripps
Volleyball 3 yrs (MVP one year)
TedX MC as well as speaker
(Planning to)Taking the American Mathematics Competition Test
(Planning to)Going to India over the summer in order to help in underserved villages and orphanages (big ec) With tutoring, donating/distributing food
Toshiba Exploravision honorable mention
Masjid Youth Group co-president
Key Club member
Asain Student Union vice president
Went to Pakistan over the summer in the WISE organization to attend protests for the treatment of women in rural areas.
(planning to)Community Voters Project to register voters in underrepresented communities.

Again, these are just my plans and they probably will change but this is just what I have laid out. Any input is appreciated!

@medigull Your GPA and projected test scores off of your PSAT are tremendous. My guess is you are exactly the kind of candidate that Howard would be looking for. I am dropping my daughter off in the next few weeks to Howard’s campus and I will ask some questions about the program and report back to this thread. I am attaching another thread from a few years back that had students who applied and were accepted into Howard’s MS/MD program.

@ChangeTheGame Alrighty! Thanks a lot, your help is appreciated.

@Mediagull I have just returned from Howard’s campus and did not find out a lot of official information (going to the campus on a Saturday in the summer brought less info) but this is what I found out. Howard accepts anywhere from 6-10 BSMD candidates a year and are amongst the very top incoming students (info gathered talking to someone with ties to Howard, but not from official means in the Center for Pre-Professional Education). They told me to take a look at the Howard website and information (see attached link) was given tied to the requirements once at Howard University. I was also told that the program has an accelerated course loads (18-21 hours) to get through most semesters in the program. My suggestion is that you should e-mail the Center for Pre-Professional Education at to gather the most accurate and update information on the program and good luck with your academic endeavors.

@ChangeTheGame Thank you for taking the time to inquire about this program. I’ll take your advice as to look at the website and e-mail the center. Thanks a lot!

My D’s friend is in the BSMD program. She has mentored our son, who is interested. She entered as a Freshman when starting HU. She said a couple of others joined after fall semester (applied initially but she thinks were put on hold to see fall term grades). There are very few in the program, and she said is is a true grind (overloading classes, taking MCAT as a sophomore, starting medical school at 19-20 years old). But she is very grateful to be a part of it and is doing just fine in medical school. Also saved her a boat load on money and time as she had a full ride to undergrad and didn’t have to spend mountain of $ and time applying to a bunch of medical schools.
She has told him that the program obviously looks for maturity and exceptional scores and grades. But beyond that it is fit for Howard and a desire to be there, not just to be in the program.
Best of luck. By the way, this young lady as well as my D have had great overall HU experiences.

@ReturningFavor This may be an odd request but do you think she would mind personally giving me some information through email?

Hi, is Howard a guaranteed BSMD program?

@RedMan108 No, you still take the MCAT sophomore year and need to reach a certain score and GPA, so there is a possibility one might not make it into the Med School

@medigull I just seen this post and I am also applying for this program as a junior graduating early. My grades and extracurriculars are not NEARLY impressive as yours, my gpa is only a 3.4 ? but I’m still applying and as I am really nervous… but you seem as though you are going to get in!

@Underrxted1 Nonsense, I’m sure you’ll have a good shot at applying as well. If it’s not too much to ask, I’d really appreciate it if you posted how your application process goes.

@medigull are u applying for Howard’s bs/md program this year?

@behappy101 no I decided not to graduate early so in 2 years

Please repost this in the premed forum and you will see many very informed posters who will tell you why your plan is not smart.

I am applying to the BS/MD program at Howard and I have received their Presidential Scholarship.

Would this scholarship still be applicable if I get into BS/MD? If so, for four or six years?
I was wondering if any current students could comment on the resources provided, how they like their classes, professors, etc. I would love to go to their BS/ MD program and would want nothing more than to go; however, I was wondering on how well they prepare you for the MCAT or is it up to the student to completely self- study?

I have also got into Chapel Hill, and wanted to compare the type of education I would receive at both Universities.

Howard almost seems to be one of those situations that is to good to be true, so PLEASE let me know if you anything about the program.

Thank You!

@med5423 The thread I have linked below has info on the BS/MD program that is a couple of years old, but I am sure it has some pertinent info that can help you.

The info in that thread is still relevant (I know because I wrote it lol)
I’m a third year in the program now and still (relatively) enjoying it despite the hectic nature of med school.

When do you hear from the School invitation for interview to BS/MD program

Did you get interview call letter for BS/MD program of 2019

I called the school last week and the lady told me interview notifications had been mailed out and we should know by April 12th. I’m still waiting and really nervous!