<p>Hey all,</p>
<p>Multiracial male (Asian + Eastern European)
Immigrant father (physician, schooling in thailand), mother only went to nursing school followed by Loyola for masters, not applying for fin. aid, only child, Chicago Suburb area
Applying to Duke, Cornell, Northwestern, UPenn, Univ. of Chicago, and UMich Ann Arbor, all for Biology/Pre-Med </p>
<p>ACT Comp: 35
Eng/Writing comp: 34</p>
<p>No SATI
US Hist:750</p>
<p>3.75 Unweighted GPA
7.1 Weighted (8 scale for APs, 7 Scale for Honors, 6 for reg etc)
Ranked 15/640 (Began at 120+, have since moved 115ish ranks, yeah, i'm one of your slow starters, stupid jr high)
Public high school, decent rep at Cornell (4 in last yr), good w/ Northwestern (many in last yr and this yrs early decisioners)</p>
<p>1 AP Soph Yr (Econ, didnt take AP Test)
3 AP's Jr Yr (Calc AB (5) (1yr up in math), English Lang (5), US Hist (5))
4 AP's Sr Yr (Stats, English Comp, Psych, Biology)</p>
<p>Top ECs:
Varsity Golf 10,11,12 -- Co-Captain, Recipient of Several Awards (All-Conference, Scholar athlete, etc)
WHO(Community Service) Club 10,11,12 -- Group Leader, plenty of volunteer work in there (Chicago food depository, tutoring of middle school kids, food/toy drives near holidays, local nature centers, walk 4 hope) (probably 200-300+ hrs)
Habitat for Humanity in Miami, FL 11 -- Group Leader (~50 hours)
National Honor Society
Span. Honor Society
National Merit Commended
Tutor for Math Center, Literacy/Writing Center, Foreign Lang. Center
1 Strong Rec, 1 Outstanding Rec
Relatively Strong Essays, good in opinions of both of my AP Eng teachers</p>
<p>soo.. how does it look?</p>