Chances at Notre Dame, Northwestern, Johns Hopkins, Purdue, Brown

<p>Yes at all. First realistic list I've read on this board today.</p>

<p>Okay_Playa said Brown was in the middle of nowhere? It is in the city of Providence.
Just wanted to clarify
And if I were you I would consider Notre Dame as a top choice, it is gorgeous, and I think you have a very good shot at getting in. It is one of my top choices, and we have similiar records.</p>

<p>In case I don't get into Northwestern, JHU, ND, or Brown... which is a better school out of Butler, University of Indianapolis, Indiana University, and Purdue?</p>

<p>Don't really mean that but just to counter those stupid "JHU is the best" comments. Honestly, I think those making these comments are selfish and only interested in promoting JHU (probably they go/went there?) instead of trying to help strawberrymegz. How can JHU be "by far the best" when last I checked, JHU was ranked BELOW Brown and Northwestern??</p>

<p>Anyway, strawberrymez, I think you are in the range for ND, NU, Brown, and JHU but it's by no means "good chance". I think Brown is a reach for you. JHU and NU are slightly easier to get in than Brown; NU doesn't use common application and they look at how applicants answer their own essay questions very seriously. One can get in with like 1200s if that person write brilliant essays. </p>

<p>HPME is harder to get in than PLME. PLME's average SAT I is 1430 while HPME's average SAT I is 1535. As you probably know, HPME also requires 3 SAT II; the average scores for last year's admits were 750 writing, 765 chem, and 780 math 2c. I think your chance for HPME is pretty slim.</p>