Chances at Penn RD?

<p>Hey guys, I’m popping in from the Columbia board. I was rejected ED by Columbia, a lot of which I believe came down to me botching my application. There were many issues with my applications, such as my teacher recs getting lost, etc, that I believe may have factored into my decision. Anyways, now that Columbia is done with my top two choices are Penn and Dartmouth, and I was just wondering if you guys could gauge my chances at Penn. Thanks you very much.</p>

<p>SAT: 1500 (770v/730m) SATIIs: 780 US History, 730 Literature, 700 writing. 3.93 UW, 4.67W GPA, all IB courses (HS ranked #1 public HS in MD). One excellent rec., one EXCELLENT counselor rec (he was my JV football coach). ECs: Cap’t of JV football team (9,10), varsity lacrosse (defensive capn) (10, 11, 12), club lacrosse (10, 11, 12), SGA steering committee (events coordinator) (9-12), It’s Academic team (11-12), JSA publicity coordinator (11-12), tutored Tibetan students English in China (12th grade summer) and worked with local Tibetan NGOs in China (writing proposals requesting aid for humanitarian projects) (12th grade summer). Awards: National Merit Commended Scholar, State of MD Distinguished Scholar Award Semi-Finalist, Presidential Volunteer Service Award (280+ hours)</p>

<p>Another thing I should add is that there are lots of people from my school applying to Penn both ED and RD… I’m sure probably 3-4 people were accepted ED. Last year our school sent 7 kids to Penn.</p>

<p>And while you evaluate him...can anyone care to evaulate my chances :o</p>

<p>SAT: 1400 (730 math, 670 v)
SAT II:740 world history 670 math ic, 600 writing
3.76 gpa uw, 4.37 w
MRC: Will have 9 APs by end of year
One excellent rec (he was my Jv football coach too!)
2 excellent recs from teachers (hopefully)
Captain JV Football team (9,10)
Varsity Lacrosse (Midfeild captain)
Club lacrosse (10,11,12)
SGA Steering Commitee
Sponsored Mountain Bike rider
OAR Street team (lol I dont know if I should even include this...nothing at all related to academics)</p>

<p>Work Experience:
One summer working for Johns Hopkins University SAIS
One summer working as a camp counselor</p>

AP Scholar with Distinction
2x Varsity Letter
4x student athlete award
MD Distinguished Scholar Honorable Mention
120+ Community SErvice Hours</p>

<p>....Actually me and welsh are brothers (twins)</p>

<p>We go to Richard Montgomery High School in Montgomery county and so many people apply to Penn from here.</p>

<p>If you're applying to The College, Welsh, I'd say you're in. Most definitely. </p>

<p>iolllloi, I don't know... your bro has better stats and ECs. And for twins, I've observed that a lot of colleges seem to figure the niche can be filled by one. </p>

<p>Or perhaps they'll think take you both BECAUSE of that. </p>

<p>Are you both applying to the same school at Penn?</p>

<p>Yeah we are (both to the College). Its going to be an interesting few months, to say the least. :)</p>

<p>The more I learn about Penn the more I'm falling in love with it.</p>

<p>Bobs urine makes pie</p>

<p>Bump? </p>


<p>Whoa... you guys go to RM in MCPS? I know some people that go there. One applied to Stanford and the other to Yale. Yea ......... pretty generic though, huh? I guess all the IB'er are aiming for the Ivies or something. Anyway, I'm from MCPS too and it'll be cool if a lot of us get in.</p>

<p>anyway, I also think welsh has the upperhand simply 'cuz his stats are better, but it could come down to the essays and such.</p>

<p>Montgomery county public schools holla!</p>