chances at pton

<p>hi, im new to this site and i am just a hs junior wondering about my chances at HYP. here are the stats:
SAT(taken at 14):1560 [800M, 760V]
Phys Sat II:800 (will take lit and IIC in April)
GPA, not too sure but probably 95, 96, 97 ish definitely in top 5%
APs:Phys B:5, Phys C:5, Stat:5, AP Lang (this year) 5 hopefully!
college classes: Rochester Institute of Technology
EC: chess : New York State HS blitz champion
5-time junior club champion at Rochester Chess Club
piano for 8 years
Boy's State</p>

<p>oops, sent that one before it was ready, here are the corr.:
RIT: Calc I (A)
Hobart and William Smith Colleges: Probability (A+)
lATIN i (A+)
and for ECs:
AMC high scorer(103)
Math League top scorer (ranked # 1)</p>

<p>any feedback on my chances at the ivies (H, Y, P, UPENN, C, D, D, Col) and also MIT and CIT??</p>

<p>oh, sorry, one more emendation, i am also a member of Mensa since 10th grade</p>

<p>scores are great, grades are good enough if they're unweighted, but i'm not too sure if just the math and chess would get you in. Sorry, I don't know how big Rochester Chess Club, so I don't really know how big of an accomplishment it is. I don't think an AMC high score is too rare among applicants to these colleges, so make sure you have a great essay and recs. I guess you certainly have a shot, but no one is too sure. I would say to try to do more with the math and chess competitions. Joining any new clubs right now would be too obvious, and in activities like math and chess, which is really not too based on showing leadership, you should try to get some nat'l recognition.</p>

<p>u have ummm no extra curriculars?</p>

<p>u seem qualified enough, and hey there's only once way to really find out....</p>