Chances at Purdue CS direct admit?

HS Junior, SAT 1400 (retaken last week, hopefully it’ll be a bit higher-shooting for 1450). GPA 3.76 UW
Honors Biology, Honors Chemistry, Honors Physics, AP Bio (in senior year), AP Calculus, AP World History, Honors English, AP Computers Science (sophomore), AP Spanish, AP English. (pretty much everything they offer)

9 years in Orchestra - cello
Middle School Computers Science Club - 8th grade
Vicepresident and mentor of Middle School Computer Science club (9th grade)
President of Computers Science Club (Hack Club-10,11,12)
President and Founder of Journalism Club (11th, 12th)
Robotics - 2 years
Computers Science Camp Summer '18
Organizer of Code Day Indianapolis (first time in history-these are hackatons for high school students) and Regional Manager for the organization.
Some prizes at Hackatons in Chicago
TA for AP Computers Science Class
Small computer science related jobs for a couple of organizations.

Also, with these stats, if not admitted into CS, is it better to go undecided and try CODO or go elsewhere for CS? Not considering any other major other than CS.

It’s very hard to transition to CS if you are not accepted initially. As much as I love Purdue, if you aren’t accepted to CS, I would go to another school where you have been accepted into the program.

Are you instate or out of state? What was your math component of the SAT? No AP chem or AP physics?

Your ECs are strong and it seems like Purdue likes students with some experience in their intended major.

In state. Took the honors series in science and will choose one AP among them. Likely can choose another AP but worried about not getting a C. No C’s so far.

Math 710, hopefully will go higher after last week’s retake. Still several opportunities to retake. Thanks!! That’s what I thought about the major vs Purdue. Purdue is just extremely cheap for us, we live in town and mom is an employee with discount tuition.

When we visited the admission office they said even one C can ruin the application. But they didn’t want to look at the specific stats and give an opinion, they just gave general information. Strength of curriculum bla bla, no Cs blah blah, high everything, and walk on water :)))

Being instate will help and I think you will be competitive. The higher you can get your math portion of the SAT the better as well as your math grades!

If you were doing CS in engineering, I would say to definitely take AP physics next year over bio but if you are in the College of Science (which I think you are since your initial post was about direct admit), then you should be fine.

The Math grades are all A’s save for one single semester when it was B+, 89.5 ugh! Thanks a lot!

The new SAT Math is 750. Should be good, I am thinking.

Point blank told by Purdue CS admins if you aren’t admitted to CS you will not transfer in. “Go somewhere else.”