<p>Hi, I'm a junior in high school and I'm interested in SLU but I'm not sure how exclusive it is and where I'd stand for admissions. First of all, I'm catholic and a Eucharist minister and also led a kairos retreat. Would that help since it's a catholic school. I have a weighted 4.3 GPA and a 29 ACT. I do 4-5 honors AP every year. I'm worried however cause I only did two year of foreign language: 2 honors and 3 honors. Do colleges see this as two or three years? Does this kill my chances? I am also a captain on varsity scholastic bowl, founder and captain of my debate team, on varsity tennis, a member of investment club and I'm VP of NHS. I am also involved in my youth group. How do my chances look? Thanks for your time! </p>
<p>My unweighted GPA is 3.7 and my class rank is 20 in a class of 600. </p>
<p>I’ll chance back if you ask</p>