Chances at SOM

I applied EA to Harpur and was accepted a few weeks ago as an undecided major. Now, I have decided I want to major in accounting which is in SOM. I have emailed the admissions offices of Binghamton, Buffalo, and Albany to request this change. Buffalo and Albany made the switch right away with no worries. However, Binghamton emailed back saying they would put me on a “switch list” along with other students requesting a change in schools within the University and would get back to me after the director of admissions reviews it and either accepts or denies it. I really want to go to Binghamton and think it is the best option for me, but I would rather have my major in accounting. I also heard it is difficult to do an intra-university transfer if you attend Harpur to start out and don’t want to put that pressure on myself. SOM at Bing is extremely competitive, but I hope these stats give me a chance:
89 weighted average, or 3.4 (Low, I know)
1460 SAT (Big Help) 720 English 740 Math
6 AP’s throughout high school, including 3 this year. Got 4’s on AP Lang, Global History, and US History. Currently in AP Lit, Government, and Psychology
I have struggled mainly in math courses, does SOM view math scores more?
Many solid EC’s, including vice president of catering club, newspaper, tennis team, culture club, 3 different jobs throughout H.S.
Decent recommendation letters and essay, Guidance counselor talks about difficult home circumstances which hurt grades
Father went to Binghamton too
I am hoping the SAT score will offset my lower GPA
Thanks for the honest input.

Forgot to mention, in-state and go to a competitive H.S. on Long Island

