chances at stanford/cornell/upenn/washu?

<p>I am currently a junior. I'm an asian female.</p>

<p>APs taken/currently taking:
Chem, Bio, US, Lang
Hns in all other classes
GPA (as of last year) 4.0
lab assistant for chem - i look over ap chem class's lab period</p>

<p>PSATs: 76 math, 77 writing, 72 reading
taking SATs next week
SATIIs: 790 chem, 780 bio
APs: chem - 5</p>

<p>ECs (weak)
violin for school orchestra 3yrs (did some community service through school, toured Virginia/won competition freshman year, touring Russia this year)
YOCJ (local orchestra) one year
part of quartet 2yrs, do various community services, some paid services
teach violin student 1yr - paid
field hockey two years (freshman, JV, ionno if team manager counts as a
year of field hockey.. can i embellish that and say three years field hockey?)
volunteer at hospital 3hrs/week
cognetics silver satori one year
science olympiad (1 yr) - first place medal at regions (states coming up soon!)
science bowl (1 yr)
science league (3 yrs)
work at parent's restaurant every weekend, 4-5hrs/week
around 200+ hrs community service</p>

philosophy course at rutgers (B+)
volunteer at animal shelter 5hrs/week
CTY two years</p>

<p>will get awesome rec from chem teacher (she was president of new jersey science teacher's association for one year)</p>

<p>nominated for NJ gov school, awaiting decision
applying to other summer programs/internships (is WTP worth it?)</p>

<p>and also, does it help that my parents didn't go to college? =&lt;/p>