<p>I'm a white female from CA, and I was wondering what my chances are at Stanford vs. other Ivy League schools. My impression is that it will be much harder for me to get into Stanford, then say, Princeton or UPenn because I'm a CA resident.</p>
<p>I want to apply early action to either Stanford or Harvard, but since Stanford is single-choice early action, I'm hesitant to apply early there. Any ideas?</p>
<p>GPA: 4.0 W/ 5.0 UW
SAT: 2300
Subject Tests:
Bio E: 800
US history:740
<p>as far as extracurriculars, I put a lot of time into volunteering in the OB/GYN unit of my local hospital, and I play a lot of soccer. (jv- one year,varsity- 3 yrs) Also, I'm passionate about the spanish language and culture, so I went on an exchange program last summer and use spanish whenever I can. </p>
<p>I'm the Vice President of a Medical Research club at my school, and of the Spanish National Honor Society. Also, I'm in student government for the upcoming year. :)</p>
<p>Do I have a fighting chance at any of the top-20 level universities? thanks!</p>
<p>Try to get recruited for soccer. Also, it’ll be easier to get into Stanford because of in state status. You’ve got a fighting chance at every school in the nation.</p>
<p>Stanford is easier for you than the ivies. Chances are ok at top 20s, though I wouldn’t be too optimistic about HYPS.</p>
<p>Have you talked any soccer coaches at the ivies?</p>
<p>If not for soccer, your resume is on par with any other applicant and most schools have 6-8% chance at the moment.</p>
<p>***@ try to get recruited for soccer. Such a silly comment… Most people who played JV one year are not getting recruited for soccer. She didn’t even say how good she was.</p>
<p>You clearly are competitive at any school. I don’t know if you will get accepted to Stanford or Harvard or the other ivies because they are so hard to predict, but you certainly have a shot. Just try to make your essay unique.</p>
<p>Haha… I’m fairly good at soccer but I don’t really think being recruited is the right path for me
also where could I apply for safety schools?</p>
<p>You have a chance, but I don’t think stanford vs the ivies will really be a major difference even though you are a CA resident. By the way, Harvard is also single choice early action.</p>
<p>Jane - Ivies athletics have a different standard for athletics than lets say Stanford. You have to be extremely good to make it to a division I competitive soccer but you do need to be academically good first before you make it to the ivies. Ivies dont give athletic scholarships but do give preference to athletes in their admission process, especially if the coach finds you a good enough candidate to fill a gap. If you played 3 years of varsity, your coach might know if you can make the cut.</p>
<p>Should nt your safeties be your State schools that give you an automatic admission?</p>
<p>I don’t think all the UCs offer automatic admission…</p>
<p>Probably not but you seem to have a good GPA and SAT scores?</p>
<p>I thought there was a form you fill out and someone in your school can tell which schools will take you based on it in UCs.</p>
<p>@jane if you are in the top 9% of your class in a california public hs, you are guaranteed admission into at least one UC.</p>