<p>My name is Alex and I would just like to know what people think of my chances of getting into Stanford, as I've heard that they enjoy seeing students with impressive extracurriculars (mostly I just want to know if these are good enough, but if you could combine my grades with the EC's, that would be great, too).</p>
<p>Currently a freshman with:</p>
<p>5 A's and 1 B (3 honors classes)</p>
<p>Sophomore year:
will take about 3 honors classes and 1 AP</p>
<p>Junior Year:
2 or 3 honors classes with 2 AP</p>
<p>EXTRACURRICULARS/ other stuff:
Founder of a club at my school
writing a book about programming
creating an app
200 hours of service
all proceeds from the book/app donated to one of the organizations
will be on my school's varsity tennis team for 1 or 2 years
cousin went to Stanford</p>
<p>You seem to be on the right track for Stanford. Just remember that you’re still young and have a lot of time to grow as a student and a person. You can’t really bank on what you “will do” in high school, nor do things simply so they look good for colleges. As someone who has also dreamed about Stanford since freshman year, I can only sugges that you take the hardest classes you can handle, stay on top of your grades, commit to a sport and at least one club or other EC, volunteer regularly, and just be yourself. Find something that makes you unique, and pursue it. Good luck! :)</p>
<p>EDIT: BTW, alumni cousins don’t qualify you as a legacy. Only parents.</p>