Chances at the UC's and certain CA privates?

<p>Hi. my weighted gpa for sophmore and junior year together excluding PE is 3.666667.
if freshman year and pe is included gpa would be more around 3.8 - 3.9 i believe.
i have taken 5 APs and i plan to take 2 more senior year.
APs taken: world history, US history, calc ab, calc bc, computer science
senior year APs: statistics and chemistry
my known ap scores are just calc ab (5) and world history (4).
my SAT score currently is 1670 but my plan is to bring it up to 1900 at least. so it would be nice to know my chances with both SAT scores.
i havent taken any SAT II's yet either but i plan to get around 700ish on math II and perhaps like 650 on another such as US history.
i ran cross country for 3 years(varsity), track for 3 years(varsity). and i was president of a club. i did about 50 hrs of community service at a church helping seniors. im working over summer tutoring at a summer school.
I would liek to know my chances for santa clara university (im planning to do early action), UCI, UC davis, UCSD, USC, UCSB, UCSC, and USF.
Thank you!</p>

<p>In my opinion,</p>

<p>UCI, UCSB, UCD - slight-mid reach
UCSD, USC - high reach
UCSC, USF - leaning more on match.</p>

<p>Are you ELC? I think that would improve your chances for the UCs. I think you need to get your gpa higher since your SAT score isn’t that strong. But don’t get discouraged by the reaches and statistics! Just work the best you can and apply even if you doubt you’ll get in. You really never know.</p>