Chances at UC Berkeley for CS

This is Nathan here and I was wondering the same as what my friend @Avtrite posted above for me. My weighted is 4.07 and my unweighted is 4.0. I applied to CS at Berkeley and other UCs as well. I along with @Avtrite were the few from my school to get requests for LORs from UCB. I have lots of extracurriculars related to sports like basketball and badminton, clubs, and my desired major. I have around 3-4 awards as well from my school and other organizations. My PIQs were pretty decent as well and I had 4-5 teachers read over them for feedback. My GPA is quite low but my school does not offer many APs to students. We can’t take any in 9th and 10th grade and there is a strict limit to only two in Junior and senior years. I would appreciate any insight.

If you are in state the UCs probably have a really good idea about the AP availability in your school. So that shouldn’t be a limitation but I think CS is going to be hard for everyone especially if some of your schoolmates did DE or just took the AP exams even if the courses weren’t available.

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As you know, CS is super competitive and it’s hard for anyone to get in. I don’t think your GPA - especially within the context of your school - is going to be make or break. The odds are probably against everyone who applies, but I do think you have just as good a chance as anyone else. I do not think your GPA will hold you back.

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Are you designated as UC ELC?

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Yes I am designated as UC ELC

CS is super competitive so I guess I’ll just hope for the best considering my stats

You may find the tables in this thread to be useful. Admission and yield rates by college (L&S, CoE, CoC, CNE, CED) and HS GPA
Scroll down to the bottom for updated tables.

You can also look up admissions by source school to get an idea of the average GPA for students admitted to UCB from your high school, but this doesn’t break out admissions by college: Admissions by source school | University of California

In general, intended college and major can make a big difference. For example, the admission rate in your weighted GPA range is relatively higher for CNR (about 20%), but more difficult for CoE (3.6%). There are no numbers broken out for L&S CS, but it is expected to be extremely tough because they are deliberately reducing the number of students in this major at this time.

If your school offers very limited APs, UCB should take that into account, but CS is just going to be very competitive regardless.

Good luck, all you can do is hope for the best at this point and be sure that you have other good options. :crossed_fingers: :four_leaf_clover:


I will preface this by saying the my D23 did NOT apply for CS so she was in a different applicant pool, but…She had a grand total of 4 APs (2 junior year, 2 senior year) due to school restrictions that you seem similar to what you have (although she did take some DE classes over summer to compensate). She got a LOR request as did most people at her school. She got in.

However, there were a few local schools that got A LOT of LOR requests this year and we do not yet know what this means. Which also means that we don’t know if they’re using LORs exactly the same way this year that they have in previous years. Maybe, maybe not.

But my point is that a lack of APs, a LOR request, and a relatively low weighted GPA (4.1) did not keep her out. But then the bigger but…this was not for CS. CS is an uphill battle for EVERYONE, no matter what your GPA is. But I do NOT think your GPA or lack of APs is going to automatically tank you.


It’s obviously a tough admit for anyone, but having that ELC status gives the UCs some perspective on how you compare to your peers.

Which APs did you take? I hope you took as many math and physics APs as possible given your interest in CS. If you are allowed only 2-4 and you chose not to take math/physics if available, then that might count against you.

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Hi, I’m asking this on behalf of a friend who is wondering if he could get into UCB with a 4.07 weighted gpa? The reason for the lower-than-average gpa is the lack of AP classes at his high school and the limits to how many AP classes that can be taken. In the past, on average around 4-5 people from his school have been accepted into UCB every year.

Your friend should create their own account. I believe it is against CC rules to “ask for a friend.”

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It that high school GPA or one of the UC weighted GPAs? What’s his unweighted GPA? Did he apply to an impacted major (what college/major)?

If it makes him feel any more optimistic, my daughter’s high school weighted GPA was only 4.1 (so just barely higher than his), and she got in. Does he have some good ECs to round things out a bit?

I’ll ask him to create an account so he can give more details about himself. I believe he has an unweighted 4.0 though.

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Can the 2 LORs that I submitted have any sort of impact? I don’t really know what effect it will have but I have read that applicants with a lack of APs sometimes get the request so maybe that explains it why I got it.

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Sorry, I have missed the context I think but what has impacted some majors this year? Is CS one of them? Thanks.

There is a list of impacted majors within L&S (including CS), and this year admissions will be by major (but only for the majors on that list). These the most popular majors, so I think it is a way to make sure they don’t get over-enrolled. However, it may mean that students applying to those majors are going to have a harder time with admissions and perhaps face a lower acceptance rate than for L&S overall.

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Admission to L&S CS last year (for Fall 2022) turned out to be by major as well, but they didn’t advertise it in advance. It is possible that L&S has been quietly admitting by major for a while, for at least some majors.

This year (for Fall 2023), they officially identified a number of L&S majors, including CS, as “high demand majors” and warned applicants in advance. Transparency is a good thing.


Of course, LORs can have an impact, or else they wouldn’t bother to request and read them. You can hope for the best!

However, it is difficult to overstate how challenging it is to be admitted to CS right now. My son has lots of extremely accomplished friends who have been surprised by deferrals and denials at schools where they thought they had a good chance. All CS applicants need good backup plans. Good luck :crossed_fingers: :four_leaf_clover:

Here’s a question. OP is top 9% ELC which means that he has an automatic admit to Merced (at he least he likely does). If he receives an admissions offer from Merced, would he be able to do a CS major, or could he face getting shut out of it even there? In other words, is UC Merced a true safety for 9% CS applicants? Just curious.