Chances at UCB, UCLA & UC Davis

<p>UC GPA (10th & 11th) - 4.083</p>

<p>Freshman - English I (A), Computer Science (A), Biology (A), Geometry (B), PE (B), Spanish I (C) [problems with family]
Sophomore - AP World History (A,5), Honors Chemistry (B), Algebra II (A), English II (A), PE (B), Spanish II (B)
Junior - AP Chemistry (A,5), AP US History (A,5), Physics (A), Pre-calculus (A), English III (A), Spanish III (B)
Senior Courses - AP Physics, AP Biology, AP US Government, AP Calculus AB, Art, English IV [Definitely going to get all A's and probably all 5's on the AP exam.] </p>

<p>Rank: ? (Top 10%)
SAT I: 2200 [Might retake to get 2300+]
SAT II: World History (800), Chemistry (800), Math II (plan on taking, score ~750+)
100 hours of community service
Moderator of for my school
President of National History Club, VSA member</p>

<p>Mixed (3/4 Vietnamese, 1/4 White). Grandfather was US soldier stationed in South Vietnam during the Vietnam War. My mom and I both came in the US as a result of the Homecoming Act which allowed children of US fathers to migrate to the US. Mom has 2nd grade education, goes to ESL school in the morning. I will be the first the high school graduate in my family. </p>

<p>On welfare (basically no income). I will have to get a job this year to support my family. We are seriously dirt poor. It's a struggle to pay for AP classes.
Great essay on struggle and passion for history [I will be taking all the AP History courses my school offers].</p>

<p>Does getting an A in AP Chem make up for my B in Honors Chem?
Do my high SAT/SAT II scores make up for my decent GPA?</p>

<p>If you guys need any extra information, please feel free to ask. Thanks for all your help! :)</p>

<p>p.s. My B's in PE are due to asthma. (School does not know). PE at my school is not an automatic A.</p>

<p>Someone help me. :(</p>

<p>you have a great chance at all 3</p>

<p>Anyone else?</p>

<p>I don’t believe PE will be factored into your GPA (not a college prep course).</p>

<p>struggle to pay for AP classes…wow…i feel your pain dude</p>

<p>=/ AP Exams are now worth $100+, since Collegeboard is ordering us to provide our own facility for their “8 feet of test spacing” BS. I feel you too.</p>

<p>That said, I think you have a really, really good chance at all of them, due to a strong level of perseverance and as a high level student due to your course load. Plus, internet moderator is a pretty nifty EC.</p>

<p>Thanks guys, I feel a lot better. It’s not all bad though. :)</p>

<p>Excellent chance.</p>

<p>I did not take the honors english and math courses my school offered (long story, all my fault). Will this hurt me?</p>

<p>No it will not hurt you that badly. You have an excellent chance in all of them! You should apply to cal too.</p>

<p>I have a 9th to 11th grade unweighted GPA of 3.55 (includes non a-g courses). My GPA went from a unweighted 3.33 to a unweighted 3.83 junior year. Does anyone have extra feedback? I’m feeling cautiously optimistic. Thanks.</p>