chances at ucla transfer

<p>Hi everyone I need you guys to tell me if a have a shot at transferring to UCLA for fall 2008 as a political science major, these are my stats:
transfer gpa will be a 3.25- 3.29. (I think that this is my only problem)
In TAP’s and will have it completed when applying.
3 semesters of Model Untied Nations
2 summers as an intern for a city communications department
Library literacy tutor.
Studied Spanish in Spain during a summer semester.
Currently working on getting an internship with either a house rep. or state senator.(very likely that I will get one of these)
I work about 30hr/week as an account manager for a mortgage company.
And I have endured financial hardship that can explain my grades.(to an extent)
As far as letters or recommendation I have one from my Poly Sci teacher who is a UCLA alumni, and one from the board of trustees at my community college who is also a UCLA alumni.</p>

<p>Obviously my extracurricular are good; I am just worried about my gpa. What do you all think?</p>

<p>also forgot to post that I live in cali, am a male, have about 60 units done, and planning on spending the spring semester of 2008 in Russia (was born there), I plan on studying there as well as teaching English in a University.(not as a professor, but I will be leading discussing groups in English in order to supplement the universities curriculum. However this will occur after I apply. It will be included in the application though</p>

<p>try to raise up your GPA... but w/ TAP certified your in!! congrats!</p>

<p>how heavily does TAP weigh?</p>

<p>apporx. 90percent of people are in....</p>