Chances at UC's! Which UC's do I have a good chance at?

CS Major


  • UW 3.7
  • W 4.4
  • ACT 33
  • SAT 1490
  • Plenty of AP Courses (hard schedules)


  • DECA
  • Student Representative at Banks (helped deliver financial literacy lessons)
  • Started Free Tutoring Organization at Local Libraries (Almost a Nonprofit)
  • Web Developer for Amazon and Google
  • Taken classes at Stanford about advanced CS
  • President in French Club (Bi-Literacy Seal)
  • Certified Marketing License
  • Black Belt Karate
  • Toastmasters + Public Speaking
  • Released Apps in AppStore

increase sat or act and u have chance at all of them

@woohoo234: Welcome to College Confidential.

First you need to calculate both your UC Capped weighted and Fully weighted GPA:

Are you a CA Resident?

How many AP classes and what are they?

Do you plan to take any SAT subject tests and which ones?

AP Courses: AP Compsci A, AP Physics 1, AP Physics C, AP Calculus BC, AP US History, AP Chemistry, AP Biology, AP Literature, AP Statistics, AP Government, AP Economics, AP Art History, AP Psychology

SAT Subject Tests:
SAT Math 2: Scores yet to come, but definitely high (over 750)
SAT Chemistry: Higher than 750 ; Score yet to come

Yes CA resident. UC GPA is around 4.13.

You are definitely qualified and competitive for all the UC’s. UCB and UCLA will be a tough admit but possible. Target UC’s would be UCSB, UCI and UCD but even those are not guaranteed. UCSC would be a low Match and UCR/UCM solid safeties. You have focused EC’s and your test scores are above the averages along with good HS rigor. Spend time on your essays and consider applying to CS in the College of L&S for UCB.

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19 capped weighted and not major specific:

UCB: 12.6%
UCLA: 11.7%
UCSD: 38.7%
UCSB: 53.6%
UCD: 56.5%
UCI: 52.1%
UCSC: 75.7%
UCR: 90.1
UCM: 96.1%

Best of Luck and apply widely.

There are two UC GPAs, weighted capped and weighted uncapped. I think you reported the uncapped one because based on your 3.7 uw and all the AP and presumably Honors classes that you’ve taken, the UC weighted capped probably will be around 4.00. (Of course, your unweighted could be higher than 3.7 also) The difference between 4.00 and 4.13 might not sound like a lot but unfortunately that is right in the 25-75% range of the mid level UCs. The weighted capped one is the one that is of importance that is the main one used.