Chances At UCs with a likely failing grade in AP Comp. Sci. A?

Hey guys. I’m currently a junior in High School right now and I’m usually a strong student. I took AP Computer Science A because it was a new class that was offered on campus and someone told me it wouldn’t be that difficult, though I had never taken a computer class before this, which was my first mistake.

The teacher doesn’t teach very well. He mostly gives us program exercises and leaves us to our own devices. There aren’t even any tests, but the programming exercises have gotten more difficult as we get further into the textbook. It’s either a 0 or 100 for the exercises because they need to show a certain output.

I was able to pass the 1st Semester with an A-, though I got a 0 on the final because we weren’t allowed to use any notes, which is allowed when we do exercises, and the program he wanted us to make in that time frame was extremely difficult (for me at least :P)

Here are my current Stats:

New SAT w/ Essay: 1300
Evidence Based Reading & Writing: 690
Math: 610

Cumulative GPA: 4.286

UC GPA: 3.941

Weighted GPA (10-12): 4.381
Weighted GPA (9-12): 4.321

8th Grade: (I went to the High School to take this class, so it’s on my HS transcript)
Geometry - A/A

Freshman Year:
Adv. English 1 - A/A+
AP Human Geography - A+/A+
Algebra 2 - A+/A+
Spanish 1 - A+/A+
Princ. of Biomedical Sci. - A+/A+
PE - A/A

Sophomore Year:
Adv. English 2 - A/A+
AP Psychology - A+/A
Hon. PreCalc - A/A+
Spanish 2 - A+/A+
Chemistry - A+/A+
World History - A+/A+
PE - A/A

1st Sem Junior Year:
AP English Lang. & Comp. - A
AP US History - A
AP Calc. AB - A-
AP Computer Sci. A - A-
Hon. Spanish 3 - A-
Hon. Anat. & Phys. - B
Ceramics - A

Planned Senior Year Courses:
AP Environmental Science
AP Gov. & Econ.
AP Statistics
AP Spanish Language
AP English Lit.
Ceramics 2

My Junior year is unfortunately significantly weaker than my other years since I took a much more rigorous course load than I was used to. I’m capable of passing all my classes right now, but mostly likely not AP Computer Science, which I currently have an F (58.7%) in :frowning:

I’m not sure if I can bring it up by the end of 2nd Semester, so I’ve mostly accepted my fate.

What I’d like to know is, how badly will this accept my acceptance into UC schools?

Major: Microbiology
I’m currently a California resident and the schools I’ve been looking into are:

UC Riverside
UC Irvine
UC Davis
San Francisco State

Also, a school I used to think of as a reach, but I now fear is impossible, is UC Berkeley.

I know an F will not look good at all on my transcript, and neither will the downward slope of my grades :frowning:
I’m hoping to work my hardest in my other classes right now, as well as my senior year grades.

I can’t really re-take AP Comp. Sci. again. My school doesn’t offer a non-AP equivalent.

I’m just so scared and so anxious right now. I had my future and major all planned out, I’m so scared that an F in a class that I don’t even need for the A-G requirements will prevent me from getting into the college I want. I took this class thinking it would be a fun extra elective that could boost my GPA up as well, but its honestly just been stressful and horrible.

I’ve already completed most of my A-G requirements with great grades, how badly will this F in an elective AP class affect me?

An F will definitely affect your chances at any of the UC’s along with impacting your UC GPA which is only 10-11th grades. You could look into taking a community college course although it will not replace the F but would should show you understand the material and are capable of doing the work. I would do everything you can to get that grade up to a C at least by years end.
Senior grades are not considered in the UC admissions decision so you either retake the AP Class Senior year for grade replacement or consider a CC or on-line option.

Take a look at the link which has on-line providers that are UC approved:;

Hello, and thank you for your reply!

I could try to re-take the course, but Computer Science is really not my thing at all. Even if a local CC offers a similar course, I doubt I would get a great grade in that even. The only reason I was able to pass 1st Sem. with an A- in AP Comp. Sci. was pure luck.

Also, my school is adamant about not changing your courses once they’ve been finalized so I can’t take it senior year even if I did want to.

Would an F in this elective make even UC Riverside a reach? My chosen major doesn’t involve Computer Science at all if that makes any difference.

Each UC will have different criteria, so it really depends upon the school, major, your essays, EC’s etc…

With the competitiveness of getting into the UC’s these past few years, you really cannot predict. All you can do is apply to a wide range of schools, be willing to attend any of them on your list and hope for the best. Overall your academic record is competitive, so hopefully the schools will consider this F a small glitch on otherwise a good application.

What is your predicted UC GPA?

“I would do everything you can to get that grade up to a C at least by years end.”

This. Talk to your teacher, work through an AP CS Study book, look online for help, ask kids in your class who are doing well for help, find a tutor. You need to rally and try to make the C happen - there are two months of school to go.

An F on your transcript will limit your options later.