Chances at UMiami/Scholarship

<p>I just kind of discovered UMiami, and I think I'll be applying EA there. Can you say what my chances are of getting in, and of getting a scholarship. How does the whole scholarship thing work there? Thanks</p>

<p>My stats
-33 on the ACT (about equal to a 2190 on the SAT)
-My school does GPA weird, but probably close to a 4.0
-Top 10%
-I'm the president of 2 clubs, and I'm active in 2 others
-3 years of cross country, 2 years swimming, 4 years track
-Great Letters of Rec
-Pretty good essays
-Worked as a camp counsellor over the summers</p>

<p>Those are the main things I can think of right now.</p>


<p>You appear to be a solid candidate for admission, and probably a scholarship as well. Miami offers scholarships with admission based purely on stats, in amounts of I think $11k, $16k, $20k, and $24k. If you are a strong enough applicant, you may also be invited to the Singer or Stamps scholarship weekend, in which you participate in an interview with a faculty member to possibly be awarded the Singer scholarship (full tuition for four years) or the Stamps scholarship (full cost of attendance covered for four years). If you search Singer and Stamps within this U Miami sub-forum, you’ll find a handful of threads discussing those scholarships and the scholarship weekends. </p>

<p>As far as applying for these scholarships I’ve mentioned, you don’t have to - all applicants are automatically considered with the submission of their application.</p>

<p>Are the scholarships something that everyone with a certain GPA/SAT gets?</p>

<p>No, but I’d be surprised if you didn’t get a 24k scholarship.</p>

<p>DS had a 33 on the ACT and a 3.9 UW gpa. He received the $24,000 scholarship. He did not apply EA. I believe you must to be considered for Singer/Stamps??? Good Luck!</p>

<p>I think you have a chance for a 50% admission reduction. However, even after that reduction, UM is still not cheap.</p>

<p>I’m getting a better reaction than I thought. My college counsellor said this was a match for me, but from what people are saying it sounds more like a safety, which makes me happy.</p>

<p>Agree with others here. There is no question you’d be admitted. I’d guess at least 20k or 24k merit scholarship with a chance for Singer invite. I always advise to apply EA. You should try to visit campus before applying but after the start of the fall semester (8/22). What kind of major(s) are you considering? What region of the country are you coming from?</p>

<p>Yea, I’ll probably apply EA, because really, why not? There’s no supplement, it’s not binding, and you get to find out sooner.</p>

<p>I’m planning on double majoring in Math and Biology (cellular). Are they good in these fields?</p>

<p>Also, I’m from New England, and am not looking at any other schools in Florida so I probably won’t visit. To be honest though, I like the school but it isn’t my top choice. That’s fine though because I like it enough that if all else fails I’d be pretty happy going here.</p>

<p>I think you can get in easily! As for scholarships you must meet criteria for gpa, rank, and sat/act. I got the 20k. I only needed one more point on the ACT for the 24k :(</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure you need a 33 ACT, top 5%, and close to a 4.0 for the 24k scholarship.</p>

<p>P.S. I am only at UM because of the merit scholarship and financial aid.</p>

<p>Do you have to be top 5%? I go to a prep school so our rankings are a lot harder than they would be in normal circumstances. I think I’m like 7/96 or something like that. In addition our school only reports decile ranking, so it’ll just say top 10% for me. Will they just assume I’m top 5%?</p>

<p>I pretty much had the same stats as you except higher SAT/ACT, 4 years of each of your sports, and more extracurricular leadership positions. I was really disappointed when I only got 16k, considering I was competitive at some of the ivies. A friend with similar stats who was valedictorian also only got 16. I think it depends more upon where you live because Miami wants a diverse student body.</p>

<p>True - being from New England will certainly NOT help you based on a lot of anecdotal evidence reported ont this site. UM has a lot of students from the NE states and your chances of being courted by them with higher awards would be better if you lived in North Dakota!
I don’t get the whole geographic diversity thing. I think they shoot themselves in the feet by not taking the best students who apply, regardless of their home address.</p>

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<p>What are my chances for getting in? What scholarships (if any) are available for someone with the following stats? </p>

<p>ACT: 33
GPA: weighted 4.15, unweighted 3.7 (weighted gpa puts me in top 11%)Freshman year grades were primarily Bs but primarily As in Soph and Jr years. If didn’t count Freshman year, would probably be in Top 5%)
Extracurriculars: Captain of 2 different JV sports teams, Varsity member of 2 sports teams, National Honor Society, National Spanish Society, Officer in Social Action club, Student Council member, active in several community and church social action activities.
AP Scholar: taken AP Calc AB (4), AP Eng (4), AP Psych (4) so far
(Sr. year taking AP Stats, AP Bio, AP Spanish) – Also, haven taken 6 Honor level classes
that were the highest level could take of those courses at my school.</p>

<p>@goodthing: with similar stats to the OP, I guess my reply to you would be the same: There is no question you’d be admitted. I’d guess at least 20k or 24k merit scholarship with a chance for Singer invite. I always advise to apply EA. You should try to visit campus before applying but after the start of the fall semester (8/22).</p>