Chances at UMiami?

<p>As a junior, I want to know if I'm on the right track. I know I need to retake the ACT and take the SAT's but is there any other flaws? Miami is my top choice!</p>

<p>Basic Info:
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Black
State: NY (Long Island)
School: Public/ URM- 6 blacks in my school at most.
9th- 3.9 UW
10th- 4.0 UW
11th- 3.5 UW for 1st quarter
(I know 3.5 is bad but 2nd quarter I've been acing so I'm expecting at least a 3.8 by the end of the year)</p>

<p>IB Grades are multiplied by 1.1 for weighting btw</p>

<p>SAT Reasoning Single Sitting: Not taken yet
SAT Reasoning Superscore: Not taken yet
SAT IIs:Not taken yet
ACT- 26 took it in 10th grade w/o studying. Taking it again in April
Class Rank: School doesn't rank</p>

<p>Course Load:
All honors 9th and 10th with AP World in 10th. IB Diploma Candidate for the next two years.</p>

<p>Junior Course load:
IB Math SL
IB Environmental Systems & Societies SL
IB English HL
IB History of the Americas HL
IB Spanish SL
IB Theory of Knowledge
IB Biology HL</p>

<p>It's pretty much the same for my senior year as well.</p>

<p>Extracurriculars (by the end of Grade 12 year):</p>

<p>Over 50 hours of Volunteer Work at my local hospital
Co-President of AIDS Awareness Committee since Sophomore Year
Along with IB Environmental Class, helped raise over $500 in two weeks for Conservation Program in Ethiopia
Captain of JV and Varsity Field Hockey
Section VIII All-League Player (Field Hockey)
Senior Advisor of a Teen Council at my local library since Freshman Year
Second Violinist in Chamber Orchestra
National Honor Society Member
National Foreign Language Honor Society Member
Planning to follow an OB/GYN this summer for 2 weeks.</p>

<p>Should probably state that my intended major is Biology/Pre-Med</p>


<p>You’ll be fine. I applied EA and am awaiting response with a much worse GPA but better SAT (ACT).</p>

<p>Thanks! Good Luck :)</p>

<p>Whatcha think, lorel? =-)</p>

<p>I hope? I mean less than half of the people who apply get in!</p>

<p>My son is a freshman at UM. I would say your courses, GPA & EC’s look great for admission. Not sure about the ACT score. You might want to put some concerted effort into raising your ACT/SAT scores. Not only to ensure that you get in, but because there can be definite financial returns. My son was also IB, with a similar GPA but fewer EC’s. He worked hard to get his SAT up to 1510/2210 and received a $24K/yr merit scholarship. Based on other postings on CC last year, merit scholarships seem to be closely related to ACT/SAT scores.</p>

<p>Wow, thanks for the help SoCalMusicMom. I have a tutor for the ACT’s and hope to get a 30. I am glad that I have gotten advice from someone who knows/had experienced the IB program, many don’t.</p>

<p>sounds pretty good! im from long island too :D</p>

<p>Cool! and Thank You.</p>