My sophomore & junior year grades were pretty good with the heaviest possible course-load I could take. I’m just worried my freshman year will mess my chances of admissions up (mostly 1st semester freshman year!) These are my academic stats:
GPA: 3.76 (unweighted) /// 4.3 (weighted, although I know UMICH looks at unweighted)
SAT: 1440 (my first time, I retook in June but haven’t got my scores back)
Math: 780
EBRW: 660
My transcript over the years:
S1 9th:
Biology Honors - B
English 1 Honors - B
Spanish 1 - B
Math 2 - B
History - A
S2 9th:
Biology Honors - A
English 1 Honors - B
Spanish 1 - B
History - A
Math 2 - A
S1 AND S2 10th (i got the same both semesters):
AP US History - A
Math 3 Honors - B (i bumped to honors)
Chemistry Honors - A
Spanish 2 - A
English 2 Honors - A
S1 11th:
AP Chemistry - A
AP Lang - A
AP Gov - A
Physics Honors - A
Spanish 3 HONORS - A
Precalculus Honors - B
S2 11th:
AP Chemistry - A
Physics Honors - A
AP Lang - A
Precalculus Honors - A
AP Psych - A
Spanish 3 Honors - A
Although my 1st semester freshman year was rough, I only got 2 academic Bs 2nd semester and only 1 B sophomore year & first semester junior year. I also got a perfect semester 2nd semester junior year. Considering I never got a B in spanish & english & science after freshman year, and got a 780 on SAT Math and an A in precalc, will this show michigan my “true potential?” I also am researching removing lead (II) from water with lime peels, am the VP of research club, in NHS, tutor, a peer leader for freshmen, and have a part time job. Am I doomed because of my weak freshman year, or do I still have a good chance because of my spectacular junior year?
No, you’re not doomed. Are you in-state or OOS?
OOS, applying LSA, I’m gonna do EA as well.
Just curious, are you from a populous state like NY, NJ, CA, IL, etc.? That would probably make it more difficult. The chances might be better if you were located from WY, let’s say for example. Anyway, I’m afraid the chance for anyone OOS isn’t great. For the Class of 2022, the OOS acceptance rate was 19%.
As you may know, your GPA and test score are on the lower side for OOS. But OTOH, just this last cycle, for the Class of 2023, there were a lot of high stat students (perfect or near perfect GPA’s, high 1,500’s and 35-36 ACT’s) deferred from EA and then rejected, so the process is holistic.
But write a darn good essay and you never know what may happen. You may have a great story to tell. One last thing, “demonstrated interest” is considered, but not “important” per the UMich CDS. Maybe go visit, if you can and show them you’re interested in coming to UMich.
I already have visited, and yes I’m from IL
thank you though!
From the Class of 2022, the Top 11 Breakdown by State:
- Michigan 3,490
- New York 520
- Illinois 393
- California 368
- New Jersey 307
- Ohio 145
- Florida 137
- Pennsylvania 101
- Massachusetts 90
- Maryland 89
- Connecticut 86
My kid’s roommate was from the Chicago area. It’s a very popular college to go to from IL.
I am hoping my interest in research and my vice president position in the club will also help me, considering Michigan is such a great research school & values that research! Thank you!
Also, what would be a target score to aim for on my SAT? I know a 1440 falls within their range but still isn’t necessarily strong for Michigan. I retook it in June, but don’t get the results til July. I’m just wondering what I should be shooting for to be more “strong” because I can still retake in August. Also, are subject tests necessary?
From OOS 1500 or higher. Think Act 33/34. As I told my from Chicago son. Don’t give them a reason to say no. He also didn’t have a great freshman year going to the top school in Illinois a few years back. It’s how you finish not how you start also.
The lime peel /lead research is cool. But think I heard this before. Might be a new things people are doing.
Keep taking rigorous courses and challenge yourself and do well in them. Michigan looks at first semester grades. Your doing all the right things. Keep doing that.
From memory, the numbers from the 2023 EA Deferred crowd, which was then subsequently accepted in RD ranged from a BLENDED (instate/OOS) AVERAGE of 1,500-1,520 in the February wave of acceptances to 1,470-1,480 in the March “wave” of acceptances. So, don’t give up hope. Even another 30-40-50 SAT points will help a lot.
If your subjects tests help, then by all means submit them. But they’re not required.