Chances at University of Wisconsin - Madison?

Junior over here (And extremely major Packers fan)
OOS New Hampshire
Unweighted GPA (Core Courses: Foreign Language, English, Social Studies, Math, and Science): 3.62ish
Weighted GPA (Core Courses: Foreign Language, English, Social Studies, Math, and Science): 3.7ish
Took all CPs Freshman year, Honors Biology and Honors Algebra II Sophomore Year, and Honors Modern World Literature (0.5 credit), Honors Precalculus, Honors British Literature I (0.5 credit), Honors Chemistry, and AP Biology
Should mention that my GPA has been raising extensively throughout the years
PSAT: 1150
SAT: The results come soon, but can already tell I will need
SAT II: Plan to take Math II, Biology E, and Biology M
APs: Have not taken any exams yet
Possible Senior Year Schedule: AP Calculus (Or possibly CP, but would still take the AP Exam), AP Psychology (Relates to Biology if I major in that and overall sounds interesting), AP Literature and Composition (Either this or AP Language and Composition. I am terrible at tests, but have done great on all of my essays, so which one ever has less tests I would likely take), AP Physics I, Anatomy and Physiology (No Honors option), Honors Choir (Or at least I expect), and an internship for AP Biology.
In terms of a foreign language, I went up to French III and was originally in Honors French IV, but dropped past the deadline to take Choir (Was too late for Honors). Plan on continuing the language in college.

ECs: Varsity Tennis (9)
Debate Club (11)
Math Club/Mathletes (11)
Marine Biology Club (11)

Community Service: Around 60 hours (Likely 100 by the time I start submitting applications)
Work: Possibly thinking about getting a job
Recommendation Letters: Already know of two teachers, both of which seem to love me as a student (You know who you are)

I know a lot can change, but as of now, how is it looking?

btw-gpa rising, not raising. Watch your grammar. What is “CP”? If it means “college prep”- that’s expected of all college bound students. You may have a chance. You need to do well this year. Also do well on SAT/ACT.

Football Sundays can be interesting when the Pack meets the Vikings- a significant number of MN residents use reciprocity. It has nothing to do with getting into UW.

I should mention that the reasons for why I want to go to the school is because no one from our school has gone here, giving off a fresh start. I have cousins and grandparents who live only three or four hours away, meaning that I could see them once a month or so. I have recently started watching college football more than the NFL (RIP the Packers), but I have a family member who went to a college that is big on football and they said that it was almost like an actual NFL game. I absolutely love snow, and considering how much it snowed when I was in the state when I was a kid, it would be great. Finally, from people my parents know who went there, they said that their experience there was phenomenal.
Also, the Badgers is a pretty cool mascot.

CP is the most standard of a course. Think like CP Algebra I in 9th grade or CP Precalculus in 12th grade. They are the classes that the majority of students at a school will take. To be honest, the reason I started taking Honors in tenth grade was because I was tired of having to do group projects by myself. However, Honors Biology is what really made me realize my passion and love for science (Would take AP Chemistry, but highly doubt it can fit my schedule).
Obviously being a fan of a certain sports team does not effect application into a school (Could be compared to being denied from a school for not liking a certain type of food).
Sad I got something most basic like that wrong when I am ridiculously excellent at the grammar section of the reading and writing on the SAT.

Do not count on getting in but worth applying. There are many, many schools to choose from to get away. Schools with good football programs likely have many more fans than can obtain tickets. Do not use sports as a criteria for a college. Consider schools that fit the family budget and also are a good academic fit. Have UW on your list but seriously make a list based on many factors other than those you have stated. Your reasons posted will do nothing to get you accepted, btw.

I should mention I got a 3.55 Freshman year, 3.95 Sophomore year and plan on getting at least a 4.0 Junior year (Including noncore courses). I know colleges don’t completely ignore Freshman year, but I have heard from many people that sophomore year and junior year are extremely important factors on getting accepted.
Also, what would be a reason that would get one accepted? I guess I am continuing to focus extremely hard on tennis and have been improving rapidly, but obviously I would have to be one of the best in state to be excepted for that reason.
Should mention that it is a public school, but there are a great amount of people excepted into the Top 25 schools.
I have heard their biology program is excellent, making it another reason for why I would want to go, but I feel being near family is a reason to go, as otherwise I would probably apply to a lot more colleges in the western area.
Also should mention that the GPA weighted and unweighted is only for CORE courses, not noncore courses, like Physical Education I & II, Graphic Design I & II, Choir, etc. (Despite it being mandatory to have 1.5 credits of PE). Otherwise, my unweighted GPA is around 3.67 and my weighted is 3.75.

excepted? You really need to learn word usage.

Damn @wis75 hop off his booty cheeks bro

his? her? Poor language usage does not speak well of a potential college student- anywhere. Surest way to not get admitted is to write poor essays.

Realize that when I type this, I am usually tired or not paying attention much. Like I said, on most of my essays, I get A’s (Not A-'s, A’s and A+'s).

Going to schools with big time college sports should be a low priority. That PSAT is problematic if it translates to a similar SAT score. You don’t want to hear this, but UNH, your home state school, is probably a high match for you.

I got my SAT back and got a 1190, but I lost track of time for reading so I did poorly. I aced the writing, getting a 35 and being in the 96 percentile (And @wis75 thought I was going to struggle with my essays and grammar when applying to colleges) and my math was a lot lower than expected. I am taking it a total of three times (I know Wisconsin has a highest sitting, so I know that I have to work ridiculously hard to improve on all sections, not just one). I only used Khan Academy when studying for the SAT, which was a big mistake on my part, but I plan to use the Black Book for the second SAT in March and possibly getting a tutor when I take it the third time in either October
or November.
UNH? I’ll never go there. It has one of the most expensive instate tuitions in the United States. (It’s even cheaper than UVM’s instate tuition - and that school is considered a public ivy!)
Also, how is UNH a match? It is a pretty low safety for me, at least for what Naviance shows for my school.
I plan on having a 3.85 total weighted GPA when combining freshman, sophomore, and junior year. Like I said, I know they care about freshman grades, but I have heard from a ridiculous amount of people that colleges care about improvement and how you did your Junior year.
Ever went to Boston University’s Open House? They said that they look mainly at improvement (Obviously one’s GPA is a big factor) in GPA, as it can predict how well one will work when they are in college.
Also, taking Honors and APs is a significant factor, as those can also indicate how well one is doing in college. Why would a college accept someone who has a 4.0 weighted who only took CPs when they could accept a 3.8 weighted who took mainly Honors and APs? Otherwise, someone who only took CPs could easily get into Boston College if they got A+'s.

My comments were based on your SAT scores, but you will also need to raise your unweighted GPA a bit. UW-M is a top state school with relatively high selectivity, especially for out of state students. Your SATs are well below the 25% percentile of admitted freshmen for UW-M. If you can bring them up by 150 points and also raise your weighted GPA a bit, then you would have a realistic shot. Good luck.

Your SATs are about the average scored for UNH, that’s why I said it would be a match.

I do realize I need to improve my SAT score, which is why I stated I am using the Black Book to prepare for the one in March and possibly a tutor for the one in August/October.
Also, I am planning to take the ACT twice, likely in February and September.

I forgot to mention that I am doing Science Olympiad.

@frozencustard UW-M refers to UW-Milwaukee.

Extracurriculars do not replace good grades and test scores.

Thanks @Madison85 . I’m not from Wisconsin. I’ll assume you just go by UW-Madison or just Wisconsin. Enjoyed our visit to the school and Madison, absolutely beautiful and great atmosphere to go along with strong academics.

You can also refer to the flagship as ‘UW’. (Lots of frozen custard in Wisconsin - Culver’s - Yum)!