Chances at UofI at Champaign

I actually signed up to receive information from the website and they emailed me. I got assigned an admissions person? I believe her name is Emily Guzman. She seems really nice and I’m thankful I have someone I can ask questions to many times. I would be able to commute as I live within 50 miles. Thanks

Also would I have better chances of being accepted by taking the SAT or ACT? I am taking SAT classes but I also want to do the ACT sometime over the summer and take the test in the fall. Thanks

@cooledwhip I’m not sure about Illinois Tech or UIC. They may have some students who land internships at Google/FB/Amazon/Microsoft/etc, but those candidates would go way above and beyond the curriculum, since UIC is not a school that is known for its CS program. (Illinois Tech might have more top companies recruiting). Also, you won’t be able to commute to UIUC if you live 50 miles away. That’s too far.

As for testing, I don’t think it really matters. I didn’t take the SAT. But the test formats differ, so if you take the SAT and do poorly, you may do better (relatively speaking) on the ACT.

Yes obviously I wouldn’t be able to commute to UIUC haha. I can commute to downtown chicago and pretty much any college in downtown area. UIUC I would happily live in a dorm, it wouldn’t matter to me.