Chances at UW-Madison? Any response is GREATLY appreciated!

  • Racial minority junior in an affluent neighborhood in a great school of Northern Illinois
  • Progressed to get into honors classes and AP classes. Junior year: all honors classes except for math, and AP French (highest level in my school) Senior year: AP Bio, AP AB Calc, AP Literature, and AP Psych (then gym/free period/etc)
  • Last semester's unweighted GPA was 3.2, weighted 4.0. I plan on bringing that up absolutely as much as I can this semester. So far this semester I have unweighted 3.4 and weighted 4.2
  • 31 ACT


  • Editor on my school’s nationally recognized newspaper (2 years)
  • Student leader in one of those “get-to-know-yourself” retreats sponsored by the school this year (was accepted to be one next year as well) (2 years)
  • Medical Club member
  • After School All Stars member (tutoring kids in less fortunate areas)
  • Tutor for kids in a writing program at my school
  • French Nat’l Honors Society + Nat’l Honors Society


  • Work at a juice bar
  • After School All Stars’ volunteering counts in my hours, however I plan on volunteering in a hospital soon
  • Played lacrosse fresh/soph year, not anymore.

What are my chances of getting into UW Madison? What should I improve? Please any advice is encouraged and welcome! Please please let me know!! Thanks!

Honestly, why is your unweighted GPA so low as compared to the 31 ACT?

I seriously don’t know, I guess tests are where I crash in the curriculum. What’s your opinion though? Can I get in honestly?

I think if you are in state, you have a great shot at getting in considering their acceptance rate, out out state would be a little lower. If possible, I would avoid taking a free period unless there is no other way around it. If it goes on your transcript as a free period, it may look like worse than if you took an easy class. I would try to work hard to bring that GPA up~! Get extra help, study more, or just practice a lot of problems. Your ACT is the same as mine and I took it my senior year as well, and it hasn’t hurt me :slight_smile: . What are you interested in studying? and is there a way to do activities/ internships/ community service to showcase that! For example: I’m an East Asian Studies/ IR major and I have studied abroad 3 times for free during high school and have obtained leadership in many clubs, relating to and not relating to equality and cultural understanding in my school. good luck~!

@seoulbound‌ How do you study abroad for free? And do you think that Madison will really not like that GPA? If it were a 3.5 unweighted then is that good? Thanks for the helpful answer so far :slight_smile: Also the free period appears as Student Resource Time so does it look THAT bad?

@UWMadisonAdmiss‌ I would love to hear your input, if you have time would you mind telling me my chances at Madison? Thank you for reading!

It looks like you’re spending too much time on EC’s and not enough time studying. Although admissions is holistic, academics is the most influential factor. Need to raise that GPA, even if it means dropping an EC or two.

EDIT: Also, one chance me thread is enough.

@healthandmusic‌ since you’re a junior its too late to have any program on your record for college seapsn, but I did NSLI-Y korean and there are other state department programs too :slight_smile: if you meet the requirements you can apply for a summer or gap year and learn another language :slight_smile: Hmm 3.5 May be good for Madison. Maybe you can take some subject tests if you haven’t already, just as an added bonus ( if you do well, if not don’t send them if you don’t have to). If it is called that, I think they can deduce that it is a free block. What does your school profile say? Mine lists sclasses and explains directed study etc. Unless you feel that you really can’t handle your senior course load without it, I’d take another class if possible :slight_smile: I take independent studies where I do research instead of a free block but I can do my own thing so it works haha

I was a postponed in state with very similar stats as you; lots of activities, leadership, etc. 30 ACT, GPA is what made me postponed, I got a 3.44 at the time of application and a 3.49 (cumulative) by the time I sent in my semester 1 grades. If you can, the only thing that would sink you is your GPA, so get that up as much as possible. I took 4 AP’s before senior year and 5 now, and I think my AP’s helped me get in. Good luck! To the comments saying a 3.5 would be good for Madison: a 3.8 is the average incoming freshman GPA, so a 3.5 might be “forgivable” more than “good.” Madison is really struggling with POCs/minorities, so that will definitely help you!