Chances at UW-Madison

Hello! I am planning on applying in early September to UW-Madison this fall. My feeling is that I am likely on the borderline for being postponed or admitted. Any response is greatly appreciated!!

White male from Minnesota if that matters

GPA: 3.821 Unweighted (4.0 GPA both semesters of Junior Year)
ACT: 27 with 9 on writing (Planning to take again in September for 28+)
Class Rank: School doesn’t rank

Rigorous Course Schedule:

  • 2 Honors Classes Freshman Year
  • 1 AP Class and 2 Honors Classes Sophomore Year
  • 4 AP Classes and 1 Honors Class Junior Year
  • Planning to take 4 AP classes my Senior Year

Essays: I am striving to write the two essays that show my serious desire to attend UW-Madison.

Recommendation Letters: Both individuals know me very well and will write excellent recommendations.

Extracurricular Activities:

  • Vice President of my Senior Class
  • DECA for 2 years
  • Link Crew for 2 years
  • Key Club for 3 years (1 year as an officer)
  • Played on the basketball team for 4 years
  • NHS for 2 years
  • My church Youth Group for 4 years
  • Young Life Club for 4 years (2 years as a junior leader)
  • Counselor at FCA Camp for 2 summers
  • Counselor/Mentor at a Christian Camp in Minnesota for middle school kids for 2 summers
  • Counselor at a Christian Camp in Wisconsin for grade school kids for 2 summers
  • I have worked at a catering job for 2.5 years
  • Just recently got hired for an additional job at a sandwich place in town

My only fear is my ACT might be a little low for UW-Madison. Any comments would be great!

Could easily retake the ACT this fall. You fall into that vast middle pool of good students.

Thanks for the input! I’m starting to prepare in the next couple months before retaking the ACT in September.