Chances at various schools...

<p>I just finished registering on this site, so I figured I should see where I stand. I am a caucasion male sophomore at a small, relatively competitive private school in NC. My mom and dad went to UNC and NC State respectively. At my school, all normal level courses are taught at an honors level, but they are still a 4.0 on the transcript. </p>

<p>Target schools: Duke, Davidson, Vanderbilt, Emory, Rhodes
Reach schools: Williams, Amherst, maybe Dartmouth or Columbia, and Princeton is my dream school (if I could get into any Ivy, I wouldn't know what to do with myself)
Backup: UNC </p>

CR: 72
Writing: 63
I did not prepare at all for the PSAT, my junior year scores will be better </p>

<p>Freshman GPA: 4.0
Sophomore GPA: unweighted: 4.00 weighted: 4.57 </p>

<p>Junior courses: AP Stat (would be AP Calc but it's a "seniors only" course at my school, even though I am more qualified for the course than the majority of the rising seniors taking it :( )
AP Chem (2 periods/day)
AP Spanish Language
AP English Language
Chamber Singers (auditioned choir, but does not carry an extra quality point)
U.S. History (can't handle AP, the course is hyper intense at my school, and I am not a history type) </p>

<p>I am confident that I will have an unweighted 4.0 GPA junior year </p>

<p>Senior courses:
AP Calc
AP English Literature
AP Physics (C i think)
AP Bio (2 periods/day)
AP European History or AP Computer Science
Chamber Singers </p>

<p>as with junior year, I plan to have a flawless GPA </p>

100 hours community service at local Latino Family Center
volunteer Friday afternoons at local Boys and Girls Club
Tutor children with learning disabilities in neighborhood
Tutor middle school math at my school
5 years of Tae Kwon Do ( I do not compete, but I do have a 2nd Dan black belt)
3 years of voice lessons for an hour/week
Student Government Member-At-Large
Spanish Club Mock Trial
Upper School retention committee
I do school musicals, 1 per year.
Varsity Track and Field </p>

Won state NATS (National Association of Teachers of Singing I believe) in Advanced Freshmen/Sophomore Musical theater and in Classical as well
Won regional NATS in same categories
2nd dan black belt in Tae Kwon Do
Qualified for the Duke TiP program with both math and CR scores and attended last summer
Governor's School, attending this summer in choral music
Silver Placement in 2008 National Spanish Exam </p>

Took Spanish 3 independently over the summer last year (took one week)
Self studying AP Psych this year
Self Studying AP Environmental Science senior year
Plan on shadowing a neurologist (my profession of choice) at a local hospital
Started a Mock Trial program at my school
Started the Upper School retention committee because of dropping numbers at my school (surprisingly, the majority is not due to the economy). The purpose of this group is to act as a liaison between the administration and the students to create an environment where students have a great high school experience while obtaining a fantastic education. </p>

<p>I know its too early to be thinking about my essay topic, but I am thinking about writing about the design in everything from humans to houses to lifestyles to nature and how everything relates in a beautifully choreographed motion of reactions. I really don't have a hook for why colleges should choose me. As an individual, I am flamboyant to say the least. I love to dress fashionably and I change my hairstyle often. I am obsessed with the latest and greatest everything. I don't have a racial hook and nothing tragic has happened in my life. I act it (stereotypically) and am accused of it a lot but I am not gay, so I cannot go that route either...any ideas? </p>

<p>Thanks everyone!</p>

<p>btw, my school does not rank, but its a small school and I figured out that I am #2 in my class</p>

<p>Oh and my school only offers AP Calc AB</p>

<p>Anyone? It would mean a lot to get some feedback</p>

<p>I’m from the Midwest -did you take the ACT yet? I don’t see you getting into all of them, but probably at least one. Make sure you get familiar with one admissions counselor there, and make sure they know how you are planning to pay for it all. It matters at those private schools. They want paying customers these days. Good luck - don’t forget to visit a few times. You may think you want a school but you have to visit to really know.</p>

<p>I haven’t taken the ACT yet. Also, I will not be able to pay for it all. I go to a private school, but only because my mom works there so we get a sufficient cut out of tuition. I am planning on visiting Duke, Vanderbilt, Emory, Rhodes, and Davidson over spring break and then doing the same with schools up north next year.</p>
