Chances at VT...please help

<p>Hello, I am a senior and high school and REALLY am hoping i get into tech (i hear in about a week). Please let me know if you think I qualify...</p>

<p>GPA - 4.1 weighted
I got progressively better through high school, which I hope they take into account (4.5 junior year)
SAT - CR - 600, MATH - 540, WRITING - 690.
ACT - 27 (translates to about a 1220 SAT score)
I believe they will take the ACT or the SAT, so they would take my ACT score im hoping :/
about 60 Community Service hours
Beta Club, SODA, Key Club, Yearbook (Editor in Chief of yearbook)
I have a sister who goes to tech and Im hoping that would help a little.
I have taken almost all honors classes and I have taken 4 AP classes.
I applied as a Political Science major.
If there is anythign else you want/need to know just Reply and ill respond! thanks!</p>

<p>I think your chances are pretty good, but I would like to mention that Legacy usually only applies for students who have parents/grandparents who went to a school. Siblings don’t typically count, though it may be different for Tech. Good luck!</p>

<p>I think legacy at VT does include siblings. The VT Freshman Snapshot mentioned legacy included parents and sisters and brothers.</p>

<p>yes they do take both the ACT and SAT, but they seem a tad low for their standards. in terms of your GPA and EC, you should be fine (especially since you improved throughout high school).</p>

<p>Honestly, I’d be surprised if you didn’t get in</p>