Chances at VT???

<p>3.55 U.W.GPA
6.67 Weighted
Top 15% 39/271
SAT Math: 560
SAT CR: 500
SAT Writing: 560
(weak I know, not a good test taker)
Student Council
National Honor Society
Varsity letters-11
Community service work: 100+ hours
Worked since I was 13- golf course, internships
A.P Stat, A.P. Lit, 14 honors courses
Out of State- New Hampshire
Would like to major in business</p>

<p>GPA is about right but your SAT is well under the average for incoming freshman. I think the avg SAT for students majoring in Business at VT now is around 1250(old) or so...Is there anyway that you can retake the test?</p>

<p>Thanks VTEngineer, I have taken the SAT several times, I'm simply not good on those types of exams. I might try the ACT, but I'm running out of time. Any idea as to how I may other wise improve my chances. Thanks</p>

<p>It seems like you have decent Extra Curricular Activities--which will definitely boost your chances. And your GPA is good for being unweighted. VT likes to see good grades--especially improvement over your high school career, which indicates academic maturity. However, the average SAT for admittance is around a 1200 and for the Business school its even higher--around 1250. Id say take the ACT and shoot for a score of a 25. If you can get around a 25 on the ACT, I say you're in. Did you already apply?</p>

<p>I did apply a while back directly to the business school.</p>

<p>Thank you so much for responding to my messages. I had a few additional questions if you have the time. I visited VT last April and thought the campus was great. However, I wasn't able to see downtown Blacksburg(if there is one), what is it like? What types of activites do kids do on the weekends or during their free time? What is campus life like? Why did you choose to attend VT? Over the past few years what are some things you didn't particuarly like about VT or the area? I'm guessing your studying engineering, how do you like your professors and classes? How big do some of the entry level classes get? Thank you so much for your time.(I tried to pm you but it didn't go through)</p>

<p>I chose VT for the following reasons:</p>

<p>-Great academic reputation
-Beeeeeeeeautiful campus
-Great Social scene
-Big time Athletics program
-Lots of school pride
-Great job placement</p>

<p>During the weekends, a lot of students take advantage of football/basketball games--tailgating, partying and just having a good time. A lot of students take advantage of all of the outdoor activities that Virginia Tech's campus is perfect for: Soccer, Football, Ultimate Frisbee are all regularly played on the drillfield.</p>

<p>In high school I applied and was accepted to the following schools:
Penn State-University Park, University of Maryland-College Park, Virginia Tech, North Carolina State, and Clemson. I actually applied and visited Virginia Tech last but I was literally on campus for 10minutes and it just felt "right." I dont know--it was just one of those inexplicable feelings I suppose. Despite the rough engineering curriculum here which has caused me to contemplate switching to Business during the super stressful times--haha...I absolutely love it here. I couldnt imagine myself anywhere else--its really the perfect place for me. </p>

<p>Honestly, my only gripes with VT is that downtown could be a little more "downtown"...haha Its only a few blocks full of bars, restaurants, bookstores, and quaint little shops...but I love it at the same time.</p>

<p>Thanks again VTEngineer, I felt the same way when I went to vitit VT, everyone just seemed so welcoming; what a great atmosphere. I love ACC basketball and enjoy watching college football just as much. I really hope I will be accepted. If accepted what dorms whould you recommend as a freshman? Thanks again!!</p>

<p>Lee, Ambler Johnson, O'Shag.</p>

<p>VTEngineer I noticed on the VT website that university housing only hold a little over 9,000 students. Do most kids move off campus after their freshman or sophmore years? Or are their on campus apartments that the school might not count as being part of residential housing? Also are they planning to build more residents hall? Is there a demand to live on campus? Thanks again for the much needed help.</p>

<p>Most students move off campus after their first year--However those that dont, opt to live in one of the nicer dorms on campus--New Res, East/West Egg, and Harper. After your first year if you want to live on campus you should be able to easily. Just make sure that you dont miss the sign up deadline. The off campus apartments are not affiliated with the university but are very very very close. Most are within walking distance. Rent is really cheap too.</p>