Chances at VTech from GMU?

<p>Hi, I’m a freshman at GMU (hence the username) and I’m thinking of transferring to VTech. From an academic standpoint, I think I’m in good shape but some of my classes might not look too good for transferring. These are the classes I had last semester:</p>

<li>Calc II</li>
<li>Gen Chem I</li>
<li>Western History</li>
<li>Art History</li>

<p>Calc II and Gen Chem I are good and I believe I have A’s in both. Western History and Art History were really easy classes that counted toward my Gen Ed requirements for GMU and were back-up in case I can’t transfer. Next semester I plan to take:</p>

<li>English 101 (have to make up for bad grades in IB English during senior year)</li>
<li>Communications 101 (gen ed)</li>
<li>Gen Chem II</li>
<li>IT, but will probably switch this to Intro to Engineering since IT is too easy</li>

<p>I would take Calc III or Calc I since my IB credits won’t transfer but Calc I is full and the Calc III class I was going to enter got canceled due to budget cuts so I got dropped from the class and all others are full. I’ll have to take Calc I during the summer.</p>

<p>I have a 3.87 HS GPA and a 4.0 (most likely) college GPA and was involved in several clubs during HS. I heard VTech places more emphasis on grades which is a big plus for me. I did get in VTech last year but I wasn’t sure what my major was going to be so I decided to go to GMU to save some money (neither gave me a good scholarship) while I figured out what I was going to major in. I’ve also never visited VTech since my parents hate traveling so I couldn’t get a feel for the college, especially 5 hours away from it. I’m leaning toward Chemistry or Chem Eng as the most likeliest choices so VTech would be the best in-state school to go to. Any suggestion on how to improve my chances from an academic standpoint?</p>

<p>As for my transfer essay, I’m still working on it but I have an idea of what I’m going to write about. GMU isn’t different from what I’m already used to. I’m been living in Northern VA all my life and I need a change. I just really need to get out there and explore different places, you know? I just need to figure out how to convey that VTech is the different college out there for me as opposed to other different colleges. </p>

<p>Any suggestions on how to improve academically or on my essay would be greatly appreciated, especially if you guys can tell me before winter break ends. I doubt I’ll have a lot of time to work on applications while I’m studying during the spring semester. If any of you need more background info on me, I’ll be glad to answer as well.</p>

<p>for what it’s woth… youre a lock. Just keep putting your best effort forth and write the best essay you can. Youll get in without a doubt</p>